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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 54/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.5
  • pp.299-305
  • 2004
  • 원문 바로보기
We find evidence of a hard X-ray excess above the thermal emission in two cool clusters (Abell 1750 and IC 1262) and a soft excess in two hot clusters (Abell 754 and Abell 2163). Our modeling shows that the excess components in Abell 1750, IC 1262, and Abell 2163 are best fit by a steep power law indicative of a significant non-thermal component. In the case of Abell 754, the excess emission is thermal, 1 ke V emission. We analyze the dynamical state of each cluster and find evidence of an ongoing or recent merger in all four clusters. In the case of Abell 2163, the detected, steep spectrum, non-thermal X-ray emission is shown to be associated with the weak merger shock seen in the temperature map. However, this shock is not able to produce the flatter spectrum radio halo which we attribute to post-shock turbulence. In Abell 1750 and IC 1262, the shocked gas appears to be spatially correlated with non-thermal emission suggesting cosmic-ray acceleration at the shock front.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.171-177
  • 2004
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X-ray plasma ejections often occurred around the impulsive phases of solar flares and have been well observed by the SXT aboard Yohkoh. Though the X-ray plasma ejections show various morphological shapes, there has been no attempt at classifying the morphological groups for a large sample of the X-ray plasma ejections. In this study, we have classified 137 X-ray plasma ejections according to their shape for the first time. Our classification criteria are as follows: (1) a loop type shows ejecting plasma with the shape of loops, (2) a spray type has a continuous stream of plasma without showing any typical shape, (3) a jet type shows collimated motions of plasma, (4) a confined ejection shows limited motions of plasma near a flaring site. As a result, we classified the flare-associated X-ray plasma ejections into five groups as follows: loop-type (60 events), spray-type (40 events), jet-type (11 events), confined ejection (18 events), and others (8 events). As an illustration, we presented time sequence images of several typical events to discuss their morphological characteristics, speed, CME association, and magnetic field configuration. We found that the jet-type events tend to have higher speeds and better association with CMEs than those of the loop-type events. It is also found that the CME association (11/11) of the jet-type events is much higher than that (5/18) of the confined ejections. These facts imply that the physical characteristics of the X-ray plasma ejections are closely associated with magnetic field configurations near the reconnection regions.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.3
  • pp.119-129
  • 2004
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A new method has been developed to solve the star cluster membership problem. It is based on synthetic photometry employing the Black Body concept as stellar radiation simulator. Synthetic color-magnitude diagram is constructed showing the main sequence band and the positions of binary star systems of combinations of various components through different photometric tracks. The method has been applied to the Hyades. The cluster membership problem has been re-appraised for the cluster (both single and binary) stars. For the binary members, the components' spectral types have been derived by the method. The results obtained agree very well with those found in literature, The method is simpler than the others and can be developed to undertake other cases as multiple star systems.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.1
  • pp.1-14
  • 2004
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Basic idea of Randall-Sundrum brane world model I and II is reviewed with detailed calculation. After introducing the brane world metric with exponential warp factor, metrics of Randall-Sundrum models are constructed. We explain how Randall-Sundrum model I with two branes makes the gauge hierarchy problem much milder, and derive Newtonian gravity in Randall-Sundrum model II with a single brane by considering small fluctuations.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.185-191
  • 2004
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We have been developing a solar observing system based on a fast CCD camera 1M30P made by the DALSA company. Here we examine and present the characteristics and performance of the camera. For this we have analyzed a number of images of a flat wall illuminated by a constant light source. As a result we found that in the default operating mode 1) the mean bias level is 49 ADU/pix, 2) the mean dark current is about 8 ADU /s/pix, 3) the readout noise is 1.3 ADU, and 4) the gain is about 42 electrons/ ADU. The CCD detector is found to have a linearity with a deviation smaller than <TEX>$6\%$</TEX>, and a uniform sensitivity better than <TEX>$1\%$</TEX>. These parameters will be used as basic inputs in the analysis of data to be taken by the camera.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.5
  • pp.563-570
  • 2004
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Turbulence is a crucial component of dynamics of astrophysical fluids dynamics, including those of ISM, clusters of galaxies and circumstellar regions. Doppler shifted spectral lines provide a unique source of information on turbulent velocities. We discuss Velocity-Channel Analysis (VCA) and its offspring Velocity Coordinate Spectrum (VCS) that are based on the analytical description of the spectral line statistics. Those techniques are well suited for studies of supersonic turbulence. We stress that a great advantage of VCS is that it does not necessary require good spatial resolution. Addressing the studies of mildly supersonic and subsonic turbulence we discuss the criterion that allows to determine whether Velocity Centroids are dominated by density or velocity. We briefly discuss ways of going beyond power spectra by using of higher order correlations as well as genus analysis. We outline the relation between Spectral Correlation Functions and the statistics available through VCA and VCS.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.205-210
  • 2004
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The interaction of disk galaxies with intergalactic winds has been invoked as a possible mechanism of the generation of galactic warps. Here we discuss conditions under which intergalactic flows can be relevant for warping field galaxies. Constraints include the heating of the outer disk, the level of asymmetry in the vertical distribution of the volume gas density, the angular frequency of the warp, the symmetry of galactic warps amplitude between the approaching and receding sides of the galaxy, and the speed of the intergalactic flow whether subsonic or supersonic. These constraints are discussed in this paper in reference to the proposal of Lopez-Corredoira et al. that warps can be a natural consequence of accretion flows onto the disk.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.217-222
  • 2004
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High ambient interstellar pressure is suggested as a possible factor to explain the ubiquitous ob-served growth-rate discrepancy for supernova-driven super bubbles and stellar wind bubbles. Pressures of P / k <TEX>${\~} 10^5\;cm^{-3}$</TEX> K are plausible for regions with high star formation rates, and these values are intermediate between the estimated Galactic mid-plane pressure and those observed in starburst galaxies. High-pressure components also are commonly seen in Galactic ISM localizations. We demonstrate the sensitivity of shell growth to the ambient pressure, and suggest that super bubbles ultimately might serve as ISM barometers.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.5
  • pp.399-404
  • 2004
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Cosmic rays are ubiquitous in space, and are apparently present wherever the matter density is small enough that they are not removed by collisions with ambient particles. The essential similarity of their energy spectra in many different regions places significant general constraints on the mechanisms for their acceleration and confinement. Diffusive shock acceleration is at present the most successful acceleration mechanism proposed, and, together with transport in Kolmogorov turbulence, can account for the universal specta. In comparison to shock acceleration, statistical acceleration, invoked in many situations, has significant disadvantages. The basic physics of acceleration and transport are discussed, and examples shown where it apparently works very well. However, there are now well-established situations where diffusive shock acceleration cannot be the accelerator. This problem will be discussed and possible acceleration mechanism evaluated. Statistical acceleration in these places is possible. In addition, a new mechanism, called diffusive compression acceleration, will be discussed and shown to be an attractive candidate. It has similarities with both statistical acceleration and shock acceleration.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 37, n.5
  • pp.413-420
  • 2004
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The current state and future prospects of ultra high energy cosmic ray physics are reviewed. These cosmic rays with energies well above <TEX>$10^{18}$</TEX> eV are messengers of an unknown extremely high-energy universe.