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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 52/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.245-248
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
We present mm observations with the IRAM 30m radiotelescope of the HCN (J=1-0) and HCO+ (J=1-0) emission lines from Giant Moleculat Clouds (GMC) in the disk of the Andromeda Galaxy, The selected GMC targets have various morphology and environments, including locations within spiral arms or in interarm regions and with galactocentric radii ranging from 2.4 to 15.5 kpc over the disk. The radial distributions of the ratios HCN/CO and HCO+ /CO are discussed and their values are compared to other galaxies.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.1
  • pp.13-16
  • 2005
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We present a period analysis of the well known <TEX>$\beta$</TEX> Lyrae type eclipsing binary GO Cyg <TEX>$(P= 0^d .7177)$</TEX>. Several new times of minimum light, recorded photoelectrically, have been gathered. Analysis of all available eclipse timings of GO Cyg has confirmed a significant period increase with rate of <TEX>$2.52 {\times} 10^{-10}$</TEX> day / cycle, also new period has been estimated. New linear and quadratic ephemerides have been calculated for the system.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.161-164
  • 2005
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We present a theoretical formalism by which the global and the local mass functions of dark matter substructures (dark subhalos) can be analytically estimated. The global subhalo mass function is defined to give the total number density of dark subhalos in the universe as a function of mass, while the local subhalo mass function counts only those sub halos included in one individual host halo. We develop our formalism by modifying the Press-Schechter theory to incorporate the followings: (i) the internal structure of dark halos; (ii) the correlations between the halos and the subhalos; (iii) the subhalo mass-loss effect driven by the tidal forces. We find that the resulting (cumulative) subhalo mass function is close to a power law with the slope of <TEX>${\~}$</TEX> -1, that the subhalos contribute approximately <TEX>$10\%$</TEX> of the total mass, and that the tidal stripping effect changes the subhalo mass function self-similarly, all consistent with recent numerical detections.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.97-100
  • 2005
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The first Space-VLBI project, VSOP, started successfully with the launch of the dedicated space-VLBI satellite HALCA in 1997. The project has been in scientific operation in the 1.6 GHz and 5 GHz bands, and studies have been done mainly of the jet phenomena related to active galactic nuclei. A second generation space- VLBI project, VSOP-2, has been planned by the working group formed at ISAS/JAXA with many collaborators. The spacecraft is planned to observe in the 8, 22 and 43 GHz bands with cooled receivers for the two higher bands, and with a maximum angular resolution at 43 GHz (7 mm) of about 40 micro-arcseconds. The VSOP-2 satellite will also have the capability of the phase-reference and full polarization observations, which will produce more powerful results than those of the VSOP project. Far-future space-VLBI projects following VSOP and VSOP-2, have a large potential to achieve enough resolution and sensitivity to satisfy astronomers in future.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.153-155
  • 2005
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We have developed the four-dimensional digital universe theater at which we can visualize the observational data and theoretical models of astronomical objects stereoscopically. The astronomical objects cover all scales of the universe from the solar system to the large-scale structure of the universe. We have also produced the three-dimensional movies of various astronomical processes based on the results of computer simulations. We plan to distribute all the products of this project through the internet.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.241-244
  • 2005
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We have analysed near-infrared JHKL observations of the members of the <TEX>$\approx$</TEX>9 Myr-old <TEX>$\eta$</TEX> Chamaeleontis cluster. Using (J - H)/(K - L) and (H - K)/(K - L) IR colour-colour diagrams for the brightest 15 members of the cluster, we find the fraction of stellar systems with near-IR excess emission was 0.60 <TEX>$\pm$</TEX> 0.13 (2<TEX>$\sigma$</TEX>). For the CTT and WTT star population, we also find a strong correlation between the IR excess and Ha emission which is also known as an accretion indicator. The (K - L) excess of these stars appears to indicate a wide range of star-disk activity; from a CTT star with high levels of accretion, to CTT - WTT transitional objects with evidence for some on-going accretion, and WTT stars with weak or absent IR excesses. Among the brightest 15 members, four stars (RECX 5, 9, 11 and ECHA J0843.3-7905) with IR excesses <TEX>${\Delta}$</TEX>(K - L) > 0.4 mag and strong or variable optical emission were identified as likely experiencing on-going mass accretion from their circumstellar disks which we confirmed their accretion disks from the optical high-resolution echelle spectroscopic study. The result-ing accretion fraction of 0.27 <TEX>$\pm$</TEX> 0.13 (2<TEX>$\sigma$</TEX>) suggests that the accretion phase, in addition to the disks themselves, can endure for at least <TEX>${\~}$</TEX>10 Myr.
  • Seo, Haing-Ja
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.4
  • pp.471-478
  • 2005
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Spectroscopic data obtained by the Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) aboard Voyager 1 and 2 have been re-visited. Using the spectroscopic data and footprints of the IRIS aperture on the planet, we constructed images of the stratosphere of Jupiter at the emission bands of hydrocarbons including <TEX>$CH_4,\;C_2H_6,\;C_2H_2,\;C_3H_4,\;C_6H_6$</TEX>, and <TEX>$C_2H_4$</TEX>. Thermal emission from the hydrocarbons on Jupiter originates from a broad region of the stratosphere extending from 1 to 10 millibars. We averaged the data using a bin of 20 degrees of longitude and latitudes in order to increase signal-to-noise ratios. The resultant images show interesting wave structure in Jupiter's stratosphere. Fourier transform analyses of these images yield wavenumbers 5 - 7 at mid-Northern and mid-Southern latitudes, and these results are different from those resulted from previous ground-based observations and recent Cassini CIRS, suggesting temporal variations on the stratospheric infrared pattern. The comparisons of the Voyager 1 and 2 spectra also show evidence of temporal intensity variations not only on the infrared hydrocarbon polar brightenings of hydrocarbon emissions but also on the stratospheric infrared structure in the temperate regions of Jupiter over the 4 month period between the two Voyager encounters. Short running title: Stratospheric Images of Jupiter derived from Voyager IRIS Spectra.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.211-214
  • 2005
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We performed a spatially resolved spectroscopic study of the thermal composite supernova remnant 3C 391 by the Chandra observation. Broad- and narrow-band X-ray images show a southeast-northwest elongated morphology and unveil a highly clumpy structure of the remnant. The spectral analysis for. the small-scale features indicates normal metal abundance and uniform temperature for the interior gas. The properties of the hot gas are largely in agreement with the cloudlet evaporation model as a main mechanism for the 'thermal composite' X-ray appearance, though radiative rim and thermal conduction may also be effective. An unresolved X-ray source, with a power-law spectrum, is observed on the northwest border. The equivalent width images reveal a faint finger-like protrusion in Si and S lines out of the southwest radio border.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.215-218
  • 2005
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An atlas of high resolution (<TEX>${\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda}$</TEX>=45,000) profiles of interstellar atomic lines of K I (7665, 7699 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>), Na I (D 1, D2), Ca II (H, K), Ca I (4227 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>), molecular structures of CH, CH+, CN and the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5780 and 5797 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> based on <TEX>${\~}$</TEX>300 echelle spectra of <TEX>${\~}$</TEX>200 OB stars is presented. Relationships between the reddenings, distances and equivalent widths of NaI, CaII, KI, CH, CH+, CN and diffuse bands are discussed. The equivalent width of K I (7699 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>) as well as of CH4300 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> / correlate very tightly with E(B- V) in contrast to the features of neutral sodium, ionized calcium and the molecular ion CH+. The equivalent widths of the Hand K lines of Call grow with distance at a rate <TEX>${\~}$</TEX>250m<TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> per 1 kpc. A similar relation for NaI is much less tight. The strengths of neutral potassium lines, molecular features and diffuse interstellar bands do not correlate practically with distance. These facts suggest that ionized calcium fills the interstellar space quite homogeneously while the other carriers mentioned above, especially K I, CH and these of diffuse bands occupy more and more compact volumes, also filled with dust grains. Apparently the carriers of narrow diffuse bands are spatially correlated with simple molecules and dust grains - all abundant in the so-called 'zeta' type clouds. The same environment seems to be hostile to the carriers of broad diffuse interstellar bands (DIEs) (like 5780 or 6284) and -to a certain extent - also to CaII, NaI and CH+.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.23-31
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
CN and CH band strengths for fourteen bright giants in the globular cluster M71 have been measured from archival spectra obtained with the Multiple Mirror Telescope. Adding the collected. data from the literature we confirm a bimodality of CN distribution on the red giant branch and the honzontal branch, and CN-CH anti-correlations on the lower giant branch and horizontal branch. However a CN-CH anti-correlation on the upper red giant branch is not quite clear as those of other branches. The small number If statistics could not be excluded as a possible cause. To confirm this, a greater number of sample stars are needed. We also confirm that the ratio of CN-strong to CN-weak stars is quite different from that in 47 Tuc, although the anti-correlation between CN and CH bands, the bimodality of the CN distribution, and the spatial distribution of CN stars in M71 are found to be similar to those III 47 Tuc.