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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 46/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.329-332
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
The purpose of the East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting (EAYAM) is to provide a chance for young astronomers from or working in China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to meet, learn about each other's scientific research, exchange ideas and cultural views, and find out more about leading research facilities in the different member regions. I report on the inaugural EAYAM held in Taiwan in 2003, and the future of this meeting. The purpose of the EAMA Schools is to teach young astronomers how to make best use of the research facilities of member regions. The first EAMA school is currently being organized to better inform young astronomers on using the SUBARU telescope.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.311-314
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
We report the current status of Japanese lunar exploration SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer). As of the end of 2004, scientific instruments onboard the Main Orbiter are under final checkout before they are provided to the proto-flight-model (PFM) integration test. Also, we present the future perspectives of the lunar based instruments and facilities. 'In-situ Lunar Orientation Mea-surement (ILOM)' experiment measures the lunar rotation with high accuracy by tracking stars on the Moon with a small photo-zenith-tube type optical telescope. A basic idea of a radio telescope array of very low frequency range on the lunar far-side is also mentioned.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.183-186
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
We present results of the VLBA observation toward the radio continuum and water maser emissions in a nearby LINER galaxy NGC 1052. The jet structure observed in 2000 is similar to that in 1998, and the two jet structures in 1998 and 2000 support the sub-luminal motion with apparent velocity of 0.26c. Distribution of water maser spots are located <TEX>${\~}$</TEX>0.05 pc shifted to southwest from the component which is supported to be the nucleus, and no rapid positional change of the water maser gas with respect to the central engine is seen from 1995 to 2000. The maser gas is positionally coincident with a plasma torus, and the position of the maser gas relative to the nucleus is stable from 1995 to 2000. The maser gas in NGC 1052 could be explained to be associated with the nuclear circumnuclear torus or disk like the situation found in the nucleus of NGC 4258.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.295-298
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
Recently a big progress has been made on the measurements of magnetic helicity of solar active regions based on photospheric magnetograms . In this paper, we present the details of Chae's method of determining the rate of helicity transfer using line-of-sight magnetograms such as taken by SORO /MDI. The method is specifically applied to full-disk magnetograms that are routinely taken at 96-minute cadence.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.73-75
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
The latest scientific highlights obtained with the Subaru telescope are given together with its current status and on-going instrumentation. We have been successfully operating the telescope and 8 observatory instruments (including an adaptive optics system) since January 1999, when the first light was accomplished. Open-use of Subaru began in December 2000. Subaru has a unique capability of its prime focus among other 8-10 meter class telescopes and has an excellent imaging performance as a result of its sophisticated active optics combined with the high stability of the sky at Mauna Kea. Scientific highlights are given on the discoveries of the most distant galaxies, spiral structure on a protoplanetary disk around AB Aur, and planetesimal belts in the debris disk around <TEX>$\beta$</TEX> Pic. Brief summaries are given for three new instruments: the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS), 188 element adaptive optics system, and Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph (FMOS)
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.249-252
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
We present results of the velocity-resolved spectroscopy of the [Fe II] <TEX>$\lambda$</TEX>1.644<TEX>${\mu}m$</TEX> emission toward outflow sources with the Subaru Telescope at the angular resolution of 0.apos;16 <TEX>${\~}$</TEX> 0.apos;5 arcseconds. The observed sources are L1551 IRS 5, DG Tau, HL Tau and RW Aur, which are located in the Taurus-Aurigae Molecular Cloud, one of the closest star forming regions (0.apos;1 = 14 AU). We were able to resolve outflow structure in the vicinity of the sources at a scale of a few tens of AU. The position-velocity diagram of each object shows two velocity components: the high velocity component (HVC: 200 - 400 km <TEX>$s^{-l}$</TEX>) and the low velocity component (LVC: 50 - 150 km <TEX>$s^{-l}$</TEX>), which are clearly distinct in space and velocity. The HVC may be a highly collimated jet presumed from its narrow velocity width and high velocity. The LVC, on the other hand, may be a widely opened disk wind inferred from its broad velocity width and low velocity. The spectrum taken perpendicular to the L1551 IRS 5 outflow at its base shows that the LVC has a spatially wide subcomponent, supporting the above interpretation. We demonstrated that the [Fe II] 1.644 <TEX>$\mu$</TEX> spectroscopy is a very powerful tool for the studies of fast jets and winds that directly emanate from star-disk systems.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.253-256
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
We have constructed the Mount Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope at Nishiyasugawara (alt. 3725 m) near the summit of Mt. Fuji (alt. 3774 m). Thanks to the excellent condition of Mt. Fuji, we have successfully carried out the [CI] survey toward more than 40 square degrees of sky, including qrion MC, Taurus MC, Rosetta MC, DR 15, DR 21, NGC 1333, NGC 2264, W 3, W 44, W 51, L 134, p-Oph. Our [CI] survey have revealed that the [CI] 492 GHz emission widely extends to the molecular clouds. The spatial and velocity structures of the [CI] 492 GHz emission resemble those of 13CO J=l-0 in many molecular clouds, implying that [CI] 492 GHz and <TEX>$^{13}CO$</TEX> J=1-0 are emitted from the same gas. The column density of <TEX>$C^o$</TEX> linearly correlates with that of CO up to high Av, suggesting that <TEX>$C^o$</TEX> exist in the deep interior of molecular clouds. In several regions, we have found that the distributions of <TEX>$C^o$</TEX> and CO are different from each other. The <TEX>$C^o$</TEX>-rich area is found in the Hieles' cloud 2. The C+/CO/<TEX>$C^o$</TEX> configuration is found in DR 15, p-Oph, M 17, Orion KL, and NGC 1333. These results indicate that an origin of <TEX>$C^o$</TEX> is unrelated with the photodissociation process. We discuss the observed <TEX>$C^o$</TEX> distributions in relation to the non-equilibrium chemistry.
  • WEI Y
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.291-293
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
Using 13.7 m telescope of Qinghai station of NAO, PMO at Delin Ha, 43 IRAS sources were mapped with <TEX>$^{13}CO\;J=1-0\;C^{18}O\;J=1-0$</TEX> and CO J=1-0. Each source has one or more cores. The distances of these cores range from 1 pc to several pc, and the masses from <TEX>$10^2\;M_{\bigodot}$</TEX> to <TEX>$10^5\;M_{\bigodot}$</TEX>. High velocity outflows were detected. The mass, momentum and energy of these massive cores are larger than those of the low mass ones. With radio, IRAS, MSX data, stellar source distribution were investigated, and sourceless cores that deviate from infrared sources were identified. They are potential high mass star formation sites.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.93-95
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
ASTRO-F is the first Japanese dedicated infrared astronomical satellite which will be launched in 2005FY and is now in the final stage of the development. ASTRO-F is a 70 cm aperture cryogenically cooled telescope and designed for the infrared survey with much higher sensitivity and angular resolution than IRAS. We present the current status of the mission, focal plane instruments, and the observation plan now being discussed.
  • HwangBo, J.E.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 38, n.4
  • pp.437-443
  • 2005
  • 원문 바로보기
The Solar Radio Burst Locator (SRBL) is a spectrometer that can observe solar microwave bursts over a wide band (0.1-18 GHz) as well as detect the burst locations without interferometry or mechanical scanning. Its prototype has been operated at Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) since 1998. In this study, we have evaluated the capability of the SRBL system in flux and radio burst location measurements. For this, we consider 130 microwave bursts from 2000 to 2002. The SRBL radio fluxes of 53 events were compared with the fluxes from USAF/RSTN and the burst locations of 25 events were compared with the optical flare locations. From this study, we found: (1) there is a relatively good correlation (r = 0.9) between SRBL flux and RSTN flux; (2) the mean location error is about 8.4 arcmin and the location error (4.7 arcmin) of single source events is much smaller than that (14.9 arcmin) of multiple source events; (3) the minimum location error usually occurred just after the starting time of burst, mostly within 10 seconds; (4) there is a possible anti-correlation (r = -0.4) between the pointing error of SRBL antenna and the location error. The anti-correlation becomes more evident (r=-0.9) for 6 strong single source events associated with X-class flares. Our results show that the flux measurement of SRBL is consistent with that of RSTN, and the mean location error of SRBL is estimated to be about 5 arcmin for single source events.