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1984년 ~ 2024년까지 1,246 건한국우주과학회지를 계간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Space Science Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-052x (ISSN : 1225-052x)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,246건 (DB Construction : 1,246 Articles)
총 게시글 1,246 페이지 116/125
  • Nha, Il-Seong
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.2
  • pp.127-134
  • 1992
  • 원문 바로보기
UBV observations of <TEX>$\zeta$</TEX> Aur star 32 Cyg have been made at the Yonsei University Observatory using the 60-cm Goto relflector for five years, 1988-1992. Observations made during these years cover outside of eclipse phase only. No significant light variation which would represent the secondary eclipse of red supergiant by a hot main sequence star is found. The light levels in three passbands do not show any evidence of the proximate effect of this binary system. Some strong light variations, particularly in U, are discussed with no successful explanation.
  • 김경미
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.1
  • pp.120-125
  • 1992
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쌍성계인 VV Cep에 대해 복사 전달 방정식을 수치적분하여 선 윤곽을 구하였다. Sobolcv 이론을 이용하여 원천함수를 구하고, 초거성의 항성풍의 속도분포는 V(r) = V<TEX>$\infty(1-R_c/r)^{1/2}$</TEX>으로 가정하였다. 연속선으로 정규화한 선 윤곽이 공전궤도 위상 0.06에서는 등속도면이 최종속도의 1/2이 되는 곳에서 최대값을 나타냈으며 공전궤도 위상 0.80에서는 속도가 0인 곳에서 나타났다.
  • Suh, Kyung-Won
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.2
  • pp.183-192
  • 1992
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We have investigated the properties of dust grains in the envelopes of infrared carbon stars by testing various radiative transfer model spectra with different stellar and enveloped parameters. We have deduced a new opacity pattern for the dust grains reflecting both the experimental data and the model fitting with recent infrared observations. The best pattern we find is very similar to amorphous carbon with a slight modification that could be attributed to some unknown dust grain materials. Unlike oxygen-rich dust grains, the optical properties of carbon grains do not show any reasonable tendency of temperature dependence. We find that the Planck mean values of radiation pressure efficiency factors for the modified amorphous carbon are much larger than those for graphite.
  • 배석희
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.1
  • pp.52-68
  • 1992
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태양의 활동과 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있는 이온층은 그 상태 변화에 따라서 무선통신 및 위성 통신 등 전파통신에 큰 영향을 주고 있다. 이온층에서의 전파의 산란과 전파 에너지 감쇄, 그리고 전파시간의 지연과 각 또는 위치 오차 등은 각 주파수 대역에 따라 크게 변화하므로 원활한 전파통신을 위해서는 시시각각으로 이온층의 상태변화에 대한 고찰이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 1985년 1월부터 1989년 10월까지 전파연구소에서 관측된 국내 이온층 자료를 토대로 5년간의 국내 이온층의 상태변화를 고찰하였으며, 그 분석에 의한 이온층의 실제 높이와 Chapman 모델을 이용한 전자 밀도 분포를 계산하였다.
  • Jeong, Jang-Hae
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.2
  • pp.135-142
  • 1992
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Surface activity of the late-type supergiant component of <TEX>$\zeta$</TEX> Aurtype eclipsing binary 32 Cyg has been searched in R and I passbands for 53 nights in the 1991 season. Atmospheric extinctions in these wavelength regions are made and a linear relation between the two coefficients has been found. All the data are standardized and determined the magnitudes and colors of 32 Cyg. R, I and color curves of 32 Cyg at the outside eclipse phase are presented.
  • Kang, Young-Woon
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.1
  • pp.111-119
  • 1992
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The IUE archival spectra of VV Cephei were collected to investigate the eclipse nature in the ultraviolet. The temperature of the B star has been determined, as approximately 30000K, based on the flux distributions during egress. Light curves of VV Cephei were reduced from the spectrophotometry of the IUE archival spectra. Three light curves at the center wavelengths of 2350 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>, 2550 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> and 2850 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> have been analyzed by the modified Wilson and Devinney light curve program. The radii of the B star and M star were deduced to 0.05 and 0.22 of unit separation, respectively. The UV light curves show an evidence that the light was attenuated by the highly opaque atmosphere of the M star.
  • Kim, Jhoon
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.2
  • pp.193-202
  • 1992
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The fist sounding rocket in Korea, KSR-420S has been under the development at Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), and is expected to be launched in 1993 to measure the vertical ozone profile over the Korean Peninsula. The KSR-420S is expected to provide the fist in situ measurement of ozone concentrations over the Korean Peninsula. An optical ozone detector has been developed at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), and its calibration has been completed recently. In this paper, measurement principles of the ozone detector in KSR-420S, its calibration data, ozone measurement procedure and data reduction algorithm are presented with sample calculations.
  • 김천휘
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.1
  • pp.41-51
  • 1992
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근접쌍성 AO Can과 AW Cam을 1984년의 관측 계절에 소백산 천문대의 61cm 반사 망원경으로 광전 관측하였다. 이 두별의 관측으로 부터 AO Cam의 채 1 극심시각 l개와 AW Cam익 체 1 극심시각 3 개를 각각 구하였다. 여러 문헌으로 부터 수집한 이 두 별의 극심시각들을 이용하여 최소자송법으로 A0 Cam파 AW Cam의 새로운 광도요소를 구하였다. AO Cam의 공전주기는 1980년 10월(JD 2444520) 부터 1985년 2월 (JD 2446107)까지 일정하였다. 그러나 최근에 Mullis와 Faulkner (1991)가 발표한 AO Cam의 l개의 제2극심시각 (JD 2447864. 7879)은 우리가 새로 구한 광도요소와 약 +4.6분 ( (0.0032일)의 큰 차이가 난다. AO Carn의 극심시각의 앞으로의 관측은 이 별의 공전주기 변화 연구에 중요하다. AW Cam의 공전주기는 지난 1930년대 초 이래 현재짜지 약 60년 동안 P=<TEX>$0^d.77134645$</TEX>로 일정하다
  • Nha, Il-Seong
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.1
  • pp.89-96
  • 1992
  • 원문 바로보기
UBV observations of VV Cep were made in 1988-1992 as a part of the Ten-year Observing Program for Long Period Eclipsing Binary Stars(1982-1992) at Yonsei University Observatory. In addition to these the observations in the longer passbands in R and I are also made in the 1991-1992 season at the same observatory. Atmospheric extinction coefficinets determined by a comparison star 20 Cap for B and V each night have been deduced a linear relation, <TEX>$K_B$</TEX>=0.159+1.066kV. In this paper, light curves of this star in BVRI passbands for the 1991-1992 season only are presented. Two periodic light variations of both long-term and short-term are found as for 90 days and 20 days, respectively.
  • Kim, Yong-Gi
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 9, n.2
  • pp.171-182
  • 1992
  • 원문 바로보기
Radiation due to accretion from an accretion disc around the intermediate polars and photoabsorption of this radiation in the accretion funnel have been taken into account as a phenomenological model to study the physics of the magnetic funnel in the magnetic compact star. The first results show that such a model scenario can be used to estimate some parameters in these systems. Some constraints of this model regarding to the observational data of one intermediate polar, EX Hya, are also discussed.