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1984년 ~ 2024년까지 1,246 건한국우주과학회지를 계간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Space Science Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-052x (ISSN : 1225-052x)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,246건 (DB Construction : 1,246 Articles)
총 게시글 1,246 페이지 119/125
  • Yi, Su-Kyoung
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.2
  • pp.105-111
  • 1990
  • 원문 바로보기
Stars in M 68 from the observed-magnitude diagrams with CCD were integrated to find any radial gradient. The result shows that M 68 has a slightly bluer core. The main cause of these calculated radial color variations seems to come from the random distribution of ginants.
  • Sohn, Young-Jong
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.2
  • pp.125-139
  • 1990
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Luminosity profiles and dynamical parameters of 12 globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud(SB(s)m) are obtained from the concentric aperture photoelectric photometry of 3 different aged clusters and the collected photometric data of 9 clusters. The total masses of the globular clusters are calculated using the equation <TEX>$M_\bigoplus$</TEX>= <TEX>${Mr_t}^j(4\Omega^2-k^2)$</TEX>, which is derived from the theroetical rotation curve for the exponential disk(Chun 1978). These masses lie between <TEX>$0.3\times10^4$</TEX> and <TEX>$15.8\times10^4M_\bigoplus$</TEX>. From the determined total mass and luminosity, the mass-to-luminosity ratios are also derived. The M/L ratio of a cluster increases with the cluster age ; about 0.03 for the youngest clusters(SWB I) and about 0.24 for the oldest clusters (SWB VII). There is a difference in M/L by a factor of 10 between the galactic globular clusters and the old globular clusters in the LMC.
  • 최규홍
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.1
  • pp.11-21
  • 1990
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점융궤도 요소는 평균 궤도 요소, 영년 섭동, 단주기, 장주기항이 포함되어 있다. 접융궤도 요소로부터 평균 궤도 요소로 변환시키는 알고리즘을 기술하였고, 평균 궤도 요소 <TEX>$W_c,\;W_s$</TEX>, L도 얻었다.
  • 선종호
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.2
  • pp.113-123
  • 1990
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전자 beam이 중성 plasma계에 들어왔을 때의 상호작용을 이차원 정전 model을 사용하여 수치계산을 한 결과 beam의 밀도변화에 따라 상호작용이 큰 변화를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. beam 전자의 밀도가 주변 전자의 밀도보다 낮을 때는 많은 양의 beam들이 주변 plasma와의 상호작용을 통해 위상공간에서 vortex 구조를 보이며 입사지역으로부터 멀리 진행할 수 있었던 반면 beam 전자들의 밀도가 높을 때는 대부분의 beam 전자들이 입사지역으로 되돌아오는 희귀전류를 형성하였다. 이 때 자기장의 게기에 따라 전자보다 훨씬 질랴이 큰 ion들이 가속될 수도 있으며 전자들의 전파와 상호작용의 양상이 크게 바뀔 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
  • 박종욱
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.1
  • pp.23-35
  • 1990
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지구의 중력장 중에서 비대칭 중력장이 정지위성의 궤도요소에 미치는 섭동을 계산하였다. 지구의 비대칭 중력장(non-zonal geopotential)에 의한 섭동이 인공위성의 궤도요소에 미츤 영향은 <TEX>$J_2$</TEX>항 또는 Luni-Solar섭동에 의한 영향보다는 작지만, 이 지구 비대칭 중력장 함수에는 sine값이 1이 되는 강한 공명항이 존재한다. 따라서 지구의 비대칭 중력장 중 이러한 공명항에 의한 정지위성의 궤도요소 변화를 구하였다. 지구의 비대칭 중력장에 의해서 섭동을 받는 궤도 이심률의 변화를 <TEX>$e_c$</TEX> 와 <TEX>$e_s$</TEX>의 위상면상에서 나타냈고, 평균경도(<TEX>$L_c$</TEX>)와 궤도 반장경(a)에 대한 변화양상도 구하였다.
  • Kang, Young-Woon
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.1
  • pp.57-69
  • 1990
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The eighteen ultraviolet light curves of Epsilon Aurigae have been plotted using the integrated fluxes reduced from the 233 IUE low dispersion spectra taken between 1978 and 1986. The times of contacts and depth of eclipse have been determined from the light curves at the wavelength from 2550 <TEX>$AA$</TEX> to 3050 <TEX>$AA$</TEX>. The UV light curves show two brightenings during the totality, the downward slope of the variation from the second to the third contacts, and asymmetry of the eclipse light curve. The two selected spectra note that the energy density distribution is not changed between the totality of the eclipse and out-of-eclipse.
  • Chun, Mun-Suk
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.1
  • pp.47-55
  • 1990
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From the study of a spectroscopic plate of <TEX>$\varepsilon$</TEX> Auriage, we can measure the radial velocity and the relative abundance for this eclipsing binary. Calculated radial velocity is -37Km/s and the abundance of [Fe] is estimated as -1.5.
  • Chun, Mun-Suk
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 7, n.2
  • pp.73-103
  • 1990
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Morphological luminosity parameters<TEX>$(\mu_e,\;r_e,\;\mu_0,\;\alpha^{-1})$</TEX> and D/B were estimated from the decomposition of surface brightness distributions of 28 extra galaxies. Decomposition was made using the standard non-linear least square fitting method and we used the seeing convolved model to get the central brightness of these galaxies. Masses and <TEX>$M/L_B$</TEX> were calculated using rotational velocities of these galaxies from the fitting to the generalized Toomre's mass model.
  • Nha, Il-Seong
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 6, n.1
  • pp.57-72
  • 1989
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A total of 80 photographs on 29 nights and another total of 44(22 each in B and V) photoelectric observations on 6 nights are secured for P/Halley(1982 ⅰ) for seven months before and after the perihelion passage. The photographic observations have been mode at different places depending on the position of the comet and the development of the tail, while the photoelectric observations were made only with 61-cm reflector at Yonsei University Observatory(YUO). Four most representative photographs are presented only to illustrate the remarkable features of the comet. The second one of these shows a coma with a possible flash activity on 1985 SEPT. 18.56 UT. The third one shows the largest tail recorded among our plates, and the last one prepresents unusual record made on northern hemisphere at a latitude as high as about <TEX>$33^{circ}$</TEX>12' N on the occasion of the comet's second perigee on 1976 APR. 11.6 UT. Photoelectric observations, on the other hand, determine the V and B-V of the total and the coma of the comet before its perihelion passage, and exhibit the light variations of 0m.6 in V in an hour and a half. Two new sets of m and n, one before and the other after the perihelion passage, determined based on the collected data, but the values are dissimilar one another significantly.
  • Eun, Jong-Won
  • 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
  • 6, n.2
  • pp.75-89
  • 1989
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The Spacelab 1 data represented the first multiband spectral measuremets of the <TEX>${N_2}^{+}$</TEX> first negative ion bands system in the thermospheric dayglow, and the first opportunity to make a detailed comparison of the vibrational and rotational distributions over bands out to v'=5. The main purpose of this study was to decuced the excitation processes of <TEX>${N_2}^{+}$</TEX>(1N) bands by determining vibrational population distributions for the upper states of <TEX>${N_2}^{+}$</TEX>(1N). The vibrational population distributions to achieve a best fit to the measured Spacelab 1 data were summarized and also compared with those theoretically derived.