- Han, Won-Yong
- 韓國宇宙科學會誌 = Journal of astronomy & space sciences
- 1, n.1
- pp.41-53
- 1984
- 원문 바로보기
Photoelectric observations of the close eclipsing binary system CW Cep, which is well known of its apsidal motion, were made on 20 nights during August and November in 1983 using two 61cm reflectors at the Sobaeksan Observing Station of Korean National Astronomical Observatory and I1san Observing Station of Yonsei University Observatory. Standardized new light curves in UBV system are presented with a total of 1,422 individual observations. For the corrections of regional and instrumental differences, same standard stars were observed at the two observatories. Four new times of minimum light were determined with the method of Kwee and van Woerden(1956). With all of the collected times of minima, apsidal motion of this system was checked, but the O-C values calculated by the light elements of Nha(1975) and Soderhjelm (1976) did not coincide well with new times of minima. New light elements which satisfy most times of minima better, and are deduced the apsidal period derived by the new light elements turns out to be 43 years, somewhat longer than those of values previously known.