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1984년 ~ 2024년까지 1,241 건한국우주과학회지를 계간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Space Science Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-052x (ISSN : 1225-052x)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,241건 (DB Construction : 1,241 Articles)
총 게시글 1,241 페이지 3/125
  • Nawer, Jannatun
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.3
  • pp.93-100
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
<P> A study of uncertainty analysis was conducted on four key thermophysical properties of molten Platinum using a non-contacting levitation technique. More specifically, this work demonstrates a detailed reporting of the uncertainties associated with the density, volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, surface tension and viscosity measurements at higher temperatures for a widely used refractory metal, Platinum using electrostatic levitation (ESL). The microgravity experiments were conducted using JAXA&rsquo;s Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) facility on the International Space Station and the terrestrial experiments were conducted using NASA&rsquo;s Marshal Space Flight Center&rsquo;s ESL facility. The performance of these two facilities were then quantified based on the measurement precision and accuracy using the metrological International Standards Organization&rsquo;s Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty Measurement (GUM) principles. </P>
  • Seok-Min Song
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.4
  • pp.237-245
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
Laser communication has been considered as a novel method for earth observation satellites with generation of high data volume. It offers faster data transmission speeds compared to conventional radio frequency (RF) communication due to the short wavelength and narrow beam divergence. However, laser beams are refracted due to atmospheric turbulence between the ground and the satellite. Refracted laser beams, upon reaching the receiver, result in angle-of-arrival (AoA) fluctuation, inducing image dancing and wavefront distortion. These phenomena hinder signal acquisition and lead to signal loss in the course of laser communication. So, precise alignment between the transmitter and receiver is essential to guarantee effective and reliable laser communication, which is achieved by pointing, acquisition, and tracking (PAT) system. In this study, we simulate the effectiveness of tip/tilt compensation for more efficient laser communication in the satellite-ground downlink. By compensating for low-order terms using tip/tilt mirror, we verify the alleviation of AoA fluctuations under both weak and strong atmospheric turbulence conditions. And the performance of tip/tilt correction is analyzed in terms of the AoA fluctuation and collected power on the detector.
  • Alemayehu Mengesha Cherkos
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.2
  • pp.45-57
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
This study examined the effect of solar flux (F10.7) and sunspots number (R) on the daily variation of equatorial electrojet (EEJ) and morning/afternoon counter electrojet (MCEJ/ACEJ) in the ionospheric E region across the eight longitudinal sectors during quiet days from January 2008 to December 2013. In particular, we focus on both minimum and maximum solar cycle of 24. For this purpose, we have collected a 6-year ground-based magnetic data from multiple stations to investigate EEJ/CEJ climatology in the Peruvian, Brazilian, West & East African, Indian, Southeast Asian, Philippine, and Pacific sectors with the corresponding F10.7 and R data from satellites simultaneously. Our results reveal that the variations of monthly mean EEJ intensities were consistent with the variations of solar flux and sunspot number patterns of a cycle, further indicating that there is a significant seasonal and longitudinal dependence. During the high solar cycle period, F10.7 and R have shown a strong peak around equinoctial months, consequently, the strong daytime EEJs occurred in the Peruvian and Southeast Asian sectors followed by the Philippine regions throughout the years investigated. In those sectors, the correlation between the day Maxima EEJ and F10.7 strengths have a positive value during periods of high solar activity, and they have relatively higher values than the other sectors. A predominance of MCEJ occurrences is observed in the Brazilian (TTB), East African (AAE), and Peruvian (HUA) sectors. We have also observed the CEJ dependence on solar flux with an anti-correlation between ACEJ events and F10.7 are observed especially during a high solar cycle period.
  • Heon-Young Chang
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.2
  • pp.67-77
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
The Titius-Bode's relation has been historically successful in predicting the location of Ceres in the solar system, while its physical basis remains hidden. In this study, we attempt to answer the question of whether the Titius-Bode's relation is universally valid for exoplanetary systems with plural exoplanets. For this purpose, we statistically study the distribution of the ratio of the orbiting periods of two planets in 32 exoplanetary systems hosted by a single star. We only consider the period ratios derived from exoplanets orbiting a single star since celestial objects under investigation are kept as simple as possible and free from uncertainties such as the mass of the host star. We find that the distribution of period ratios of two exoplanets appears inconsistent with that derived from the Titius-Bode's relation using the &#x03C7;<sup>2</sup> test. We also found that the distance distribution in exoplanetary systems unlikely follows the uniform distribution or the Poisson's distribution. It is noted, however, that more rigorous statistical tests should be carried out to reach a more certain conclusion.
  • Young-Joo Song
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.2
  • pp.79-88
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
On Aug. 4, 2022, at 23:08:48 (UTC), the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), also known as Danuri, was launched using a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Currently, KPLO is successfully conducting its science mission around the Moon. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s Deep Space Network (DSN) was utilized for the successful flight operation of KPLO. A great deal of joint effort was made between the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and NASA DSN team since the beginning of KPLO ground system design for the success of the mission. The efficient utilization and management of NASA DSN in deep space exploration are critical not only for the spacecraft's telemetry and command but also for tracking the flight dynamics (FD) operation. In this work, the top-level DSN interface architecture, detailed workflows, DSN support levels, and practical lessons learned from the joint team's efforts are presented for KPLO's successful FD operation. Due to the significant joint team's efforts, KPLO is currently performing its mission smoothly in the lunar mission orbit. Through KPLO cooperative operation experience with DSN, a more reliable and efficient partnership is expected not only for Korea's own deep space exploration mission but also for the KARI-NASA DSN joint support on other deep space missions in the future.
The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), the first South Korea lunar exploration probe, successfully arrived at the Moon on December, 2022 (UTC), following a 4.5-month ballistic lunar transfer (BLT) trajectory. Since the launch (4 August, 2022), the KPLO magnetometer (KMAG) has carried out various observations during the trans-lunar cruise phase and a 100 km altitude lunar polar orbit. KMAG consists of three fluxgate magnetometers capable of measuring magnetic fields within a &#x00B1; 1,000 nT range with a resolution of 0.2 nT. The sampling rate is 10 Hz. During the originally planned lifetime of one year, KMAG has been operating successfully while performing observations of lunar crustal magnetic fields, magnetic fields induced in the lunar interior, and various solar wind events. The calibration and offset processes were performed during the TLC phase. In addition, reliabilities of the KMAG lunar magnetic field observations have been verified by comparing them with the surface vector mapping (SVM) data. If the KPLO's mission orbit during the extended mission phase is close enough to the lunar surface, KMAG will contribute to updating the lunar surface magnetic field map and will provide insights into the lunar interior structure and lunar space environment.
  • Geonhwa Jee
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.1
  • pp.11-18
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
The ionosphere is one of the key components of the near-Earth's space environment and has a practical consequence to the human society as a nearest region of the space environment to the Earth. Therefore, it becomes essential to specify and forecast the state of the ionosphere using both the observations and numerical models. In particular, numerical modeling of the ionosphere is a prerequisite not only for better understanding of the physical processes occurring within the ionosphere but also for the specification and forecast of the space weather. There are several approaches for modeling the ionosphere, including data-based empirical modeling, physics-based theoretical modeling and data assimilation modeling. In this review, these three types of the ionospheric model are briefly introduced with recently available models. And among those approaches, fundamental aspects of the physics-based ionospheric model will be described using the basic equations governing the mid-latitude ionosphere. Then a numerical solution of the equations will be discussed with required boundary conditions.
  • Prasun Mahanti
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.4
  • pp.131-148
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
Lunar permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) never see direct sunlight and are illuminated only by secondary illumination - light reflected from nearby topography. The ShadowCam imaging experiment onboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter is acquiring images of these PSRs. We characterize and discuss the nature of secondary illumination for the Shackleton PSR from ShadowCam radiance-calibrated images. We also use modeling to understand the magnitude and direction of the secondary illumination. Results from our analysis highlight the non-homogeneous, dynamic, and complex nature of PSR secondary lighting. Knowledge of the direction of the secondary illumination is crucial for reli-able interpretation of contrasts observed in ShadowCam images. This preliminary analysis of the floor of Shackleton crater from images acquired over multiple secondary illumination conditions does not reveal indications of exposed surface ice, even though temperatures are constantly below 110K.
  • Farouk, Shimaa
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.3
  • pp.113-122
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
<P> Although the Relative Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning technique provides high accuracy, it has several drawbacks. The scarcity of control points, the long baselines, and using of ultra-rabid and rabid products increased position errors. This study has designed a New MATLAB Program that helps users automatically select suitable IGS stations related to the baseline lengths and the azimuth between GNSS points and IGS stations. This study presented criteria for the length of the baselines used in Egypt and an advanced estimated accuracy before starting the project. The experimental test studies the performance of the position accuracy related to the relation between three factors: observation session, final, rabid, and ultra-rabid products, and the baseline lengths. Ground control point mediates Egypt was selected as a test point. Nine surrounding IGS stations were selected as reference stations, and the coordinates of the tested point were calculated based on them. Baselines between the tested point and the IGS stations were classified regarding proposal criteria. The coordinates of the tested point were obtained in different observation sessions (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.5 h). The results indicated that the lengths of the baseline in Egypt were classified short (less than 600 km), medium (600-1,200 km), and long (greater than 1,200 km) and required a minimum observation time of 4, 5, and 7 h to obtain accuracy 10, 19, 48 mm sequentially. The position accuracy was superior for the rapid and the final than the ultra-rapid products by 16%. A short baseline was at the best case; there was a performance in position accuracy with a 57% deduction in observation time compared with the long baseline. </P>
  • David Carl Humm
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 40, n.4
  • pp.173-197
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
ShadowCam is a high-sensitivity, high-resolution imager provided by NASA for the Danuri (KPLO) lunar mission. ShadowCam calibration shows that it is well suited for its purpose, to image permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) that occur near the lunar poles. It is 205 times as sensitive as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC). The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is greater than 100 over a large part of the dynamic range, and the top of the dynamic range is high enough to accommodate most brighter PSR pixels. The optical performance is good enough to take full advantage of the 1.7 meter/pixel image scale, and calibrated images have uniform response. We describe some instrument artifacts that are amenable to future corrections, making it possible to improve performance further. Stray light control is very challenging for this mission. In many cases, ShadowCam can image shadowed areas with directly illuminated terrain in or near the field of view (FOV). We include thorough qualitative descriptions of circumstances under which lunar brightness levels far higher than the top of the dynamic range cause detector or stray light artifacts and the size and extent of the artifact signal under those circumstances.