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1968년 ~ 2023년까지 1,187 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,187건 (DB Construction : 1,187 Articles)
총 게시글 1,187 페이지 4/119
  • Kim, Minsu
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.5
  • pp.149-172
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
We present a new method which constructs an H&#x026A; super-profile of a galaxy which is based on profile decomposition analysis. The decomposed velocity profiles of an H&#x026A; data cube with an optimal number of Gaussian components are co-added after being aligned in velocity with respect to their centroid velocities. This is compared to the previous approach where no prior profile decomposition is made for the velocity profiles being stacked. The S/N improved super-profile is useful for deriving the galaxy's global H&#x026A; properties like velocity dispersion and mass from observations which do not provide sufficient surface brightness sensitivity for the galaxy. As a practical test, we apply our new method to 64 high-resolution H&#x026A; data cubes of nearby galaxies in the local Universe which are taken from THINGS and LITTLE THINGS. In addition, we also construct two additional H&#x026A; super-profiles of the sample galaxies using symmetric and all velocity profiles of the cubes whose centroid velocities are determined from Hermite h3 polynomial fitting, respectively. We find that the H&#x026A; super-profiles constructed using the new method have narrower cores and broader wings in shape than the other two super-profiles. This is mainly due to the effect of either asymmetric velocity profiles' central velocity bias or the removal of asymmetric velocity profiles in the previous methods on the resulting H&#x026A; super-profiles. We discuss how the shapes (&#x1D70E;<sub>n</sub>/&#x1D70E;<sub>b</sub>, A<sub>n</sub>/A<sub>b</sub>, and A<sub>n</sub>/A<sub>tot</sub>) of the new H&#x026A; super-profiles which are measured from a double Gaussian fit are correlated with star formation rates of the sample galaxies and are compared with those of the other two super-profiles.
  • Naeun, Shin
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.6
  • pp.207-213
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
The Seoul Radio Astronomy Observatory (SRAO) operates a 6.1-meter radio telescope on the Gwanak campus of Seoul National University. We present the efforts to reform SRAO to a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) station, motivated by recent achievements by millimeter interferometer networks such as Event Horizon Telescope, East Asia VLBI Network, and Korean VLBI Network (KVN). For this goal, we installed a receiver that had been used in the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy and a digital backend, including an H-maser clock. The existing hardware and software were also revised, which had been dedicated only to single-dish operations. After several years of preparations and test observations in 1 and 3-millimeter bands, a fringe was successfully detected toward 3C 84 in 86 GHz in June 2022 for a baseline between SRAO and KVN Ulsan station separated by 300 km. Thanks to the dual frequency operation of the receiver, the VLBI observations will soon be extended to the 1 mm band and verify the frequency phase referencing technique between 1 and 3-millimeter bands.
  • Jeon, Seong-Gyeong
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.3
  • pp.67-74
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
In this study, we perform a statistical investigation of the kinematic classification of 4,264 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from 1996 to 2015 observed by SOHO/LASCO C3. Using the constant acceleration model, we classify these CMEs into three groups: deceleration, constant velocity, and acceleration motion. For this, we devise three different classification methods using fractional speed variation, height contribution, and visual inspection. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the fractions of three groups depend on the method used. Second, about half of the events belong to the groups of acceleration and deceleration. Third, the fractions of three motion groups as a function of CME speed are consistent with one another. Fourth, the fraction of acceleration motion decreases as CME speed increases, while the fractions of other motions increase with speed. In addition, the acceleration motions are dominant in low speed CMEs whereas the constant velocity motions are dominant in high speed CMEs.
  • Kim, Sungsoo S.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.3
  • pp.75-86
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
The lunar surface progressively darkens and reddens as a result of sputtering from solar wind particles and bombardment of micrometeoroids. The extent of exposure to these space weathering agents is frequently calculated as the location in a diagram of reflectance at 750 nm vs. 950 nm/750 nm color (R-C). Sim & Kim (2018) examined the R-C trends of pixels within ~3,500 craters, and revealed that the length (L) and skewness (s) of R-C trends can be employed as a secondary age or maturity indicator. We broaden this research to general lunar surface areas (3,400 tiles of 0.25&#x00B0; &#x00D7; 0.25&#x00B0; size) in 218 mare basalt units, whose ages have been derived from the size-frequency distribution analysis by Hiesinger et al. (2011). We discover that L and s rise with age until ~3.2 Gyr and reduce rather rapidly afterward, while the optical maturity, OMAT, reduces monotonically with time. We show that in some situations, when not only OMAT but also L and s are incorporated in the estimation utilizing 750 & 950 nm photometry, the age estimation becomes considerably more reliable. We also observed that OMAT and the lunar cratering chronology function (cumulative number of craters larger than a certain diameter as a function of time) have a relatively linear relationship.
  • Chang, Heon-Young
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.5
  • pp.139-148
  • 2022
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We explore the latitudinal distribution of sunspots and pursue to establish a correlation between the statistical parameters of the latitudinal distribution of sunspots and characteristics of solar activity. For this purpose, we have statistically analyzed the daily sunspot areas and latitudes observed from May in 1874 to September in 2016. As results, we confirm that the maximum of the monthly averaged International Sunspot Number (ISN) strongly correlates with the mean number of sunspots per day, while the maximum ISN strongly anti-correlates with the number of spotless days. We find that both the maximum ISN and the mean number of sunspots per day strongly correlate with the the average latitude, the standard deviation, the skewness of the the latitudinal distribution of sunspots, while they appears to marginally correlate with the kurtosis. It is also found that the northern and southern hemispheres seem to show a correlated behavior in a different way when sunspots appearing in the northern and southern hemispheres are examined separately.
  • Kim, Jinkyu
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.4
  • pp.87-97
  • 2022
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Polarimetric measurements of the lunar surface from lunar orbit soon will be available via Wide-Field Polarimetric Camera (PolCam) onboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), which is planned to be launched in mid 2022. To provide calibration data for the PolCam, we are conducting speckle polarimetric measurements of the nearside of the Moon from the Earth's ground. It appears that speckle imaging of the Moon for scientific purposes has not been attempted before, and there is need for a procedure to create a 'lucky image' from a number of observed speckle images. As a first step of obtaining calibration data for the PolCam from the ground, we search for the best sharpness measure for lunar surfaces. We then calculate the minimum number of speckle images and the number of images to be shift-and-added for higher resolution (sharpness) and signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Park, Jang-Ho
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.1
  • pp.1-9
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
We present the photometric properties of V608 Cas from detailed studies of light curves and eclipse timings. The light curve synthesis indicates that the eclipsing pair is an overcontact binary with parameters of &#x2206;T = 155 K, q = 0.328, and f = 26%. We detected the third light &#x2113;<sub>3</sub>, which corresponds to about 8% and 5% of the total systemic light in V and R bands, respectively. Including our 6 timing measurements, a total of 38 times of minimum light were used for a period study. It was found that the orbital period of V608 Cas has varied in some combination of an upward parabola and two periodic variations. The continuous period increase with a rate of +3.99 &#x00D7; 10<sup>-7</sup> d yr<sup>-1</sup> can be interpreted as a mass transfer from the secondary component to the primary star at a rate of 1.51 &#x00D7; 10<sup>-7</sup> M<sub>&#x2299;</sub> yr<sup>-1</sup>. The periods and semi-amplitudes of the two periodic variations are about P<sub>3</sub> = 16.0 yr and P<sub>4</sub> = 26.3 yr, and K<sub>3</sub> = 0.0341 d and K<sub>4</sub> = 0.0305 d, respectively. The most likely explanation of both cycles is a pair of light-traveling time effects operated by the possible presence of third and fourth components with estimated masses of M<sub>3</sub> = 2.20 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub> and M<sub>4</sub> = 1.27 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub> in eccentric orbits of e<sub>3</sub> = 0.66 and e<sub>4</sub> = 0.52. Because the contribution of &#x2113;<sub>3</sub> is very low compared to the estimated masses of two circumbinary objects, they can be inferred as very faint compact objects.
  • Gould, Andrew
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.5
  • pp.173-194
  • 2022
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We complete the survey for finite-source/point-lens (FSPL) giant-source events in 2016-2019 KMTNet microlensing data. The 30 FSPL events show a clear gap in Einstein radius, 9 &#x1D707;as < &#x1D703;<sub>E</sub> < 26 &#x1D707;as, which is consistent with the gap in Einstein timescales near t<sub>E</sub> ~ 0.5 days found by Mr&#x00F3;z et al. (2017) in an independent sample of point-source/point-lens (PSPL) events. We demonstrate that the two surveys are consistent. We estimate that the 4 events below this gap are due to a power-law distribution of free-floating planet candidates (FFPs) dN<sub>FFP</sub>/d log M = (0.4 &#x00B1; 0.2) (M/38 M<sub>&#x2295;</sub>)<sup>-p</sup>/star, with 0.9 &#x2272; p &#x2272; 1.2. There are substantially more FFPs than known bound planets, implying that the bound planet power-law index &#x1D6FE; = 0.6 is likely shaped by the ejection process at least as much as by formation. The mass density per decade of FFPs in the Solar neighborhood is of the same order as that of 'Oumuamua-like objects. In particular, if we assume that 'Oumuamua is part of the same process that ejected the FFPs to very wide or unbound orbits, the power-law index is p = 0.89 &#x00B1; 0.06. If the Solar System's endowment of Neptune-mass objects in Neptune-like orbits is typical, which is consistent with the results of Poleski et al. (2021), then these could account for a substantial fraction of the FFPs in the Neptune-mass range.
  • Son, Suyeon
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.2
  • pp.37-57
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
Using I-band images of 35 nearby (z < 0.1) type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) obtained with Hubble Space Telescope, selected from the 70-month Swift-BAT X-ray source catalog, we investigate the photometric properties of the host galaxies. With a careful treatment of the point-spread function (PSF) model and imaging decomposition, we robustly measure the I-band brightness and the effective radius of bulges in our sample. Along with black hole (BH) mass estimates from single-epoch spectroscopic data, we present the relation between BH mass and I-band bulge luminosity (M<sub>BH</sub>-M<sub>I,bul</sub> relation) of our sample AGNs. We find that our sample lies offset from the M<sub>BH</sub>-M<sub>I,bul</sub> relation of inactive galaxies by 0.4 dex, i.e., at a given bulge luminosity, the BH mass of our sample is systematically smaller than that of inactive galaxies. We also demonstrate that the zero point offset in the M<sub>BH</sub>-M<sub>I,bul</sub> relation with respect to inactive galaxies is correlated with the Eddington ratio. Based on the Kormendy relation, we find that the mean surface brightness of ellipticals and classical bulges in our sample is comparable to that of normal galaxies, revealing that bulge brightness is not enhanced in our sample. As a result, we conclude that the deviation in the M<sub>BH</sub>-M<sub>I,bul</sub> relation from inactive galaxies is possibly because the scaling factor in the virial BH mass estimator depends on the Eddington ratio.
  • Yeung, Paige
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.4
  • pp.111-121
  • 2022
  • 원문 바로보기
Based on the light an exoplanet blocks from its host star as it passes in front of it during a transit, the mid-transit time can be determined. Periodic variations in mid-transit times can indicate another planet's gravitational influence. We investigate 83 transits of TrES-1 b as observed from 6-inch telescopes in the MicroObservatory robotic telescope network. The EXOTIC data reduction pipeline is used to process these transits, fit transit models to light curves, and calculate transit midpoints. This paper details the methodology for analyzing transit timing variations (TTVs) and using transit measurements to maintain ephemerides. The application of Lomb-Scargle period analysis for studying the plausibility of TTVs is explained. The analysis of the resultant TTVs from 46 transits from MicroObservatory and 47 transits from archival data in the Exoplanet Transit Database indicated the possible existence of other planets affecting the orbit of TrES-1 and improved the precision of the ephemeris by one order of magnitude. We now estimate the ephemeris to be (2 455 489.66026 BJD<sub>TDB</sub> &#x00B1; 0.00044 d) + (3.0300689 &#x00B1; 0.0000007) d &#x00D7; epoch. This analysis also demonstrates the role of small telescopes in making precise midtransit time measurements, which can be used to help maintain ephemerides and perform TTV analysis. The maintenance of ephemerides allows for an increased ability to optimize telescope time on large ground-based telescopes and space telescope missions.