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1968년 ~ 2023년까지 1,187 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,187건 (DB Construction : 1,187 Articles)
총 게시글 1,187 페이지 3/119
  • Hyeon Yong Choe
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.23-33
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
We investigate the diffusion process of Thomson-scattered line photons in both real space and frequency space through a Monte Carlo approach. The emission source is assumed to be monochromatic and point-like embedded at the center of a free electron region in the form of a sphere and a slab. In the case of a spherical region, the line profiles emergent at a location of Thomson optical depth &#x03C4;<sub>Th</sub> from the source exhibit the full width of the half maximum &#x03C3;<sub>&#x03BB;</sub> &#x2243; &#x03C4;<sup>1.5</sup><sub>Th</sub>. In the slab case, we focus on the polarization behavior where the polarization direction flips from the normal direction of the slab to the parallel as the slab optical depth &#x03C4;<sub>Th</sub> increases from &#x03C4;<sub>Th</sub> &#x226A; 1 to &#x03C4;<sub>Th</sub> &#x226B; 1. We propose that the polarization flip to the parallel direction to the slab surface in optically thick slabs is attributed to the robustness of the Stokes parameter Q along the vertical axis with respect to the observer's line of sight whereas randomization dominates the remaining region as &#x03C4;<sub>Th</sub> increases. A brief discussion on the importance of our study is presented.
  • Heon-Young Chang
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.125-135
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
Here, we investigated the observed sunspot areas with respect to latitudes using the Hilbert transform technique. Conventional study of the cyclic patterns of sunspots is based on the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, which only obtains the amplitude information. In comparison, our approach characterizes the amplitude as well as the phase of solar activity. We demonstrated the solar North-South asymmetry in the instantaneous amplitude by analyzing daily sunspot data set spanning from the solar cycles 11 to 24. Our findings confirm that the northern hemisphere is dominant in the solar cycles 14, 15, 16, 18, and 20. Unlike the amplitude, the North-South asymmetry in the period of solar activity could not be established. We have also found that the standard deviation as a measure of fluctuation in the phase derivative is minimum in the latitude band 10&#x00B0; < l < 20&#x00B0;, and the fluctuations obtained for latitudes above 30&#x00B0; are considerable.
  • Kyung-Suk Cho
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.263-275
  • 2023
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The Sun-Earth Lagrange point L4 is considered as one of the unique places where the solar activity and heliospheric environment can be observed in a continuous and comprehensive manner. The L4 mission affords a clear and wide-angle view of the Sun-Earth line for the study of the Sun-Earth and Sun-Moon connections from he perspective of remote-sensing observations. In-situ measurements of the solar radiation, solar wind, and heliospheric magnetic field are critical components necessary for monitoring and forecasting the radiation environment as it relates to the issue of safe human exploration of the Moon and Mars. A dust detector on the ram side of the spacecraft allows for an unprecedented detection of local dust and its interactions with the heliosphere. The purpose of the present paper is to emphasize the importance of L4 observations as well as to outline a strategy for the planned L4 mission with remote and in-situ payloads onboard a Korean spacecraft. It is expected that the Korean L4 mission can significantly contribute to improving the space weather forecasting capability by enhancing the understanding of heliosphere through comprehensive and coordinated observations of the heliosphere at multi-points with other existing or planned L1 and L5 missions.
  • Hye-Eun Jang
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.11-22
  • 2023
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We report the result of a high-resolution spectroscopic study on seven magnesium (Mg) enhanced stars. The high Mg abundances in these stars imply that they were born in an environment heavily affected by the nucleosynthesis products of massive stars. We measure abundances of 16 elements including Mg and they show various abundance patterns implying their diverse origin. Three of our program stars show a very high Mg to Si ratio ([Mg/Si] &#x2248; 0.18-0.25), which might be well explained by fall-back supernovae or by supernovae with rapid rotating progenitors having an initial mass higher than about 20 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub>. Another three of our program stars have high light to heavy s-process element ratios ([Y/Ba] &#x2248; 0.30-0.44), which are consistent with the theoretical prediction of the nucleosynthesis in rapidly rotating massive stars with an initial mass of about M = 40 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub>. We also report a star having both high Y ([Y/Fe] = 0.2) and Ba ([Ba/Fe] = 0.28) abundance ratios, and it also shows the highest Zn abundance ratio ([Zn/Fe] = 0.27) among our sample, implying the nucleosynthesis by asymmetric supernova explosion induced by very rapid rotation of a massive progenitor having an initial mass between 20 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub> &#x2272; M &#x2272; 40 M<sub>&#x2299;</sub>. A relative deficiency of odd-number elements, which would be a signature of the pair-instability nucleosynthesis, is not found in our sample.
  • Minchul Kam
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.1-9
  • 2023
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The Crab nebula is widely used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish radio observations because of its brightness, high degree of linear polarization, and well-known polarization angle over a wide frequency range. However, the Crab nebula cannot be directly used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN), because the beam size of the telescopes is smaller than the size of the nebula. To determine the polarization angle of the Crab nebula as seen by KVN, we use 3C 286, a compact polarized extragalactic radio source whose polarization angle is well-known, as a reference target. We observed both the Crab nebula and 3C 286 with the KVN from 2017 to 2021 and find that the polarization angles at the total intensity peak of the Crab nebula (equatorial coordinates (J2000) R.A. = 05<sup>h</sup>34<sup>m</sup>32.3804<sup>s</sup> and Dec = 22&#x00B0;00'44.0982'') are 154.2&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 0.3&#x00B0;, 151.0&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 0.2&#x00B0;, 150.0&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 1.0&#x00B0;, and 151.3&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 1.1&#x00B0; at 22, 43, 86, and 94 GHz, respectively. We also find that the polarization angles at the pulsar position (RA = 05<sup>h</sup>34<sup>m</sup>31.971<sup>s</sup> and Dec = 22&#x00B0;00'52.06'') are 154.4&#x00B0; &#x00B1;0.4&#x00B0;, 150.7&#x00B0; &#x00B1;0.4&#x00B0;, and 149.0&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 1.0&#x00B0; for the KVN at 22, 43, and 86 GHz. At 129 GHz, we suggest to use the values 149.0&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 1.6&#x00B0; at the total intensity peak and 150.2&#x00B0; &#x00B1; 2.0&#x00B0; at the pulsar position obtained with the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter Range (IRAM) 30-meter Telescope. Based on our study, both positions within the Crab nebula can be used as polarization angle calibrators for the KVN single-dish observations.
  • Jae Sok Oh
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.169-185
  • 2023
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The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) is the first instrument for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). G-CLEF is a fiber feed, optical band echelle spectrograph that is capable of extremely precise radial velocity measurement. G-CLEF Flexure Control Camera (FCC) is included as a part in G-CLEF Front End Assembly (GCFEA), which monitors the field images focused on a fiber mirror to control the flexure and the focus errors within GCFEA. FCC consists of an optical bench on which five optical components are installed. The order of the optical train is: a collimator, neutral density filters, a focus analyzer, a reimager and a detector (Andor iKon-L 936 CCD camera). The collimator consists of a triplet lens and receives the beam reflected by a fiber mirror. The neutral density filters make it possible a broad range star brightness as a target or a guide. The focus analyzer is used to measure a focus offset. The reimager focuses the beam from the collimator onto the CCD detector focal plane. The detector module includes a linear translator and a field de-rotator. We performed thermoelastic stress analysis for lenses and their mounts to confirm the physical safety of the lens materials. We also conducted the global structure analysis for various gravitational orientations to verify the image stability requirement during the operation of the telescope and the instrument. In this article, we present the opto-mechanical detailed design of G-CLEF FCC and describe the consequence of the numerical finite element analyses for the design.
  • Jeon, Junhyeok
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.4
  • pp.99-110
  • 2022
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This study presents the characteristics of publications in the Journal of Korean Astronomy Society (JKAS) from 1968 to 2021. JKAS has published 763 research articles over the past 54 years. In addition, 376 proceedings were also published with research articles. There were slight increases and decreases in the number of articles published in JKAS in the 1990s and 2000s, and in 2015 there was the highest recorded number of articles published for a given year. Since then, the number of articles has tended to decrease each year, up to and including the most recent period (2020-2021), which includes the Coronavirus pandemic. However, since theory centered research is primarily conducted without being swayed by society and policies, and that the proportion of authors belonging to educational institutions, such as universities, is high, the future direction of JKAS is encouraging. There are also positive developments including sustained researchers affiliated with international institutions at greater than approximately 23%, as well as improvements in the impact factor. Therefore, it is important to not be deterred by the decreasing trends of the quantitative aspect, but to respond positively by determining a future roadmap.
  • Tetsuya, Magara
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.6
  • pp.215-220
  • 2022
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To seek an atmospheric heating mechanism operating on the Sun we investigated a heating source generated by a downflow, both of which may arise in a magnetic loop dynamically formed on the Sun via flux emergence. Since an observation shows that the illumination of evolving magnetic loops under the dynamic formation occurs sporadically and intermittently, we performed a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of flux emergence to obtain a high-cadence simulated data, where temperature enhancement was identified at the footpoint of an evolving magnetic loop. Unlike a rigid magnetic loop with a confined flow in it, the evolving loop in a low plasma &#x03B2; atmosphere is subjected to local compression by the magnetic field surrounding the loop, which drives a strong supersonic downflow generating an effective footpoint heating source in it. This may introduce an energy conversion system to the magnetized atmosphere of the Sun, in which the free magnetic energy causing the compression via Lorentz force is converted to the flow energy, and eventually reduced to the thermal energy. Dynamic and thermodynamic states involved in the system are explained.
  • Park, Woojin
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.1
  • pp.11-22
  • 2022
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We introduce the Transformable Reflective Telescope (TRT) kit that applies an aluminum profile as a base plate for precise, stable, and lightweight optical system. It has been utilized for optical surface measurements, developing alignment and baffle systems, observing celestial objects, and various educational purposes through Research & Education projects. We upgraded the TRT kit using the aluminum profile and truss and isogrid structures for a high-end optical test device that can be used for prototyping of precision telescopes or satellite optical systems. Thanks to the substantial aluminum profile and lightweight design, mechanical deformation by self-weight is reduced to maximum 67.5 &#x339B;, which is an acceptable misalignment error compared to its tolerance limits. From the analysis results of non-linear vibration simulations, we have verified that the kit survives in harsh vibration environments. The primary mirror and secondary mirror modules are precisely aligned within 50 &#x339B; positioning error using the high accuracy surface finished aluminum profile and optomechanical parts. The cross laser module helps to align the secondary mirror to fine-tune the optical system. The TRT kit with the precision aluminum mirror guarantees high quality optical performance of 5.53 &#x339B; Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) at the field center.
  • Chung, Sun-Ju
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 55, n.4
  • pp.123-130
  • 2022
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We present the analysis of a planetary microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0362 with a shortduration anomaly (~0.4 days) near the peak of the light curve, which is caused by the resonant caustic. The event has a severe degeneracy with &#x2206;&#x1D712;<sup>2</sup> = 0.9 between the close and the wide binary lens models both with planet-host mass ratio q &#x2243; 0.007. We measure the angular Einstein radius but not the microlens parallax, and thus we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate the physical parameters of the lens. We find that the OGLE-2019-BLG-0362L system is a super-Jovian-mass planet <TEX>$M_p=3.26^{+0.83}_{-0.58}M_J $</TEX> orbiting an M dwarf <TEX>$M_h=0.42^{+0.34}_{-0.23}M_{\odot}$</TEX> at a distance <TEX>$D_L=5.83^{+1.04}_{-1.55}kpc$</TEX>. The projected star-planet separation is <TEX>${\alpha}_{\bot}= 2.18^{+0.58}_{-0.72}AU$</TEX>, which indicates that the planet lies beyond the snow line of the host star.