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1968년 ~ 2023년까지 1,187 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,187건 (DB Construction : 1,187 Articles)
총 게시글 1,187 페이지 2/119
  • Jiwoo Seo
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.41-57
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
We measured temporal and emission properties of quiescent magnetars using archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data, produced a list of the properties for 17 magnetars, and revisited previously suggested correlations between the properties. Our studies carried out with a larger sample, better spectral characterizations, and more thorough analyses not only confirmed previously-suggested correlations but also found new ones. The observed correlations differ from those seen in other neutron-star populations but generally accord with magnetar models. Specifically, the trends of the intriguing correlations of blackbody luminosity (L<sub>BB</sub>) with the spin-inferred dipole magnetic field strength (B<sub>S</sub>) and characteristic age (&#x03C4;<sub>c</sub>) were measured to be L<sub>BB</sub> &#x221D; B<sup>1.5</sup><sub>S</sub> and L<sub>BB</sub> &#x221D; &#x03C4;<sup>-0.6</sup><sub>c</sub>, supporting the twisted magnetosphere and magnetothermal evolution models for magnetars. We report the analysis results and discuss our findings in the context of magnetar models.
  • Jeong Ae Lee
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.159-168
  • 2023
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The main goal of the Korean VLBI Network Calibrator Survey (KVNCS) is to expand the VLBI calibrators catalog for KVN, KaVA (KVN and VERA Array), EAVN (East-Asian VLBI Network), and other extended regions. The second KVNCS (KVNCS2) aimed to detect VLBI fringes of new candidates for calibrators in the K band. Out of the 1533 sources whose single-dish flux density in the K band was measured with KVN telescopes (Lee et al. 2017), 556 sources were observed with KVN in the K band. KVNCS2 confirmed the detection of VLBI fringes of 424 calibrator candidates over a single baseline. All detected sources had a high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of >25. Finally, KVNCS2 confirmed 347 new candidates as VLBI calibrators in the K band, resulting in a 5% increase in the sky coverage compared to previous studies. The spatial distribution was quasi-uniform across the observable region (Dec. > -32.5&#x00B0;). In addition, the possibility as calibrator candidates for the detected sources was checked, using an analysis of the flux-flux relationship. Ultimately, the KVNCS catalog will not only become the VLBI calibrator list but is also useful as a database of compact radio sources for astronomical studies.
  • Jongil Jung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.117-124
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
A Forbush decrease (FD) is a depression of cosmic ray (CR) intensity observed by ground-based neutron monitors (NMs). The CR intensity is thought to be modulated by the heliospheric magnetic structures including the interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) surrounding the Earth. The different magnitude of the decreasing in intensity at each NM was explained only by the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of the NM station. However, sometimes NMs of almost the same cutoff rigidity in northern and southern hemispheres observe the asymmetric intensity depression magnitudes of FD events. Thus, in this study we intend to see the effects on CR intensity modulation of FD event recorded at different NMs due to different ICME propagation directions as an additional parameter in the model explaining the CR modulation. Fortunately, since 2006 the coronagraphs of twin spacecraft of the STEREO mission allow us to infer the propagation direction of ICME associated with the FD event in 3-dimension with respect to the Earth. We suggest the hypothesis that the asymmetric CR modulations of FD events are determined by the propagation directions of the associated ICMEs.
  • Bogyeong Kim
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.187-194
  • 2023
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The remote sensing technique of measuring the magnetic field was applied first to sunspots by Hale (1908). Later Babcock (1961) showed that the solar surface magnetic field on a global scale is a dipole in first-order approximation and that this dipole field reverses once every solar cycle. The Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) supplies the spherical harmonics coefficients of the solar corona magnetic field of each Carrington Rotation, calculated based on the remotely-sensed photospheric magnetic field of the solar surface. To infer the internal current system producing the global solar coronal magnetic field structure and evolution of the Sun, we calculate the multipole components of the solar magnetic field using the WSO data from 1976 to 2019. The prominent cycle components over the last 4 solar activity cycles are axis-symmetric fields of the dipole and octupole. This implies that the current inversion driving the solar magnetic field reversal originates from the equatorial region and spreads to the whole globe. Thus, a more accurate solar dynamo model must include an explanation of the origin and evolution of such solar internal current dynamics.
  • Hyosun Kim
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.149-157
  • 2023
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The propagation speed of a circumstellar pattern revealed in the plane of the sky is often assumed to represent the expansion speed of the wind matter ejected from a post-main-sequence star at the center. We point out that the often-adopted isotropic wind assumption and the binary hypothesis as the underlying origin for the circumstellar pattern in the shape of multilayered shells are, however, mutually incompatible. We revisit the hydrodynamic models for spiral-shell patterns induced by the orbital motion of a hypothesized binary, of which one star is losing mass at a high rate. The distributions of transverse wind velocities as a function of position angle in the plane of the sky are explored along viewing directions. The variation of the transverse wind velocity is as large as half the average wind velocity over the entire three dimensional domain in the simulated models investigated in this work. The directional dependence of the wind velocity is indicative of the overall morphology of the circumstellar material, implying that kinematic information is an important ingredient in modeling the snapshot monitoring (often in the optical and near-infrared) or the spectral imaging observations for molecular line emissions.
  • Byeong-Cheol Lee
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.277-286
  • 2023
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It is difficult to distinguish the pure signal produced by an orbiting planetary companion around giant stars from other possible sources, such as stellar spots, pulsations, or certain activities. Since 2003, we have obtained radial (RV) data from evolved stars using the high-resolution, fiber-fed Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). Here, we report the results of RV variations in the binary star HD 135438. We found two significant periods: 494.98 d with eccentricity of 0.23 and 8494.1 d with eccentricity of 0.83. Considering orbital stability, it is impossible to have two companions in such close orbits with high eccentricity. To determine the nature of the changes in the RV variability, we analyzed indicators of stellar spot and stellar chromospheric activity to find that there are no signals related to the significant period of 494.98 d. However, we calculated the upper limits of rotation period of the rotational velocity and found this to be 478-536 d. One possible interpretation is that this may be closely related to the rotational modulation of an orbital inclination at 67-90 degrees. The other signal corresponding to the period of 8494.1 d is probably associated with a stellar companion orbiting the giant star. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation considering a single companion indicates that HD 135438 system hosts a stellar companion with 0.57<sup>+0.017</sup> <sub>-0.017</sub> M<sub>&#x2299;</sub> with an orbital period of 8498 d.
  • Byeong-Cheol Lee
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.1
  • pp.35-40
  • 2023
  • 원문 바로보기
We have been conducting a exoplanet search survey using Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) for the last 18 years. We present the detection of exoplanet candidate in orbit around HD 18438 from high-precision radial velocity (RV) mesurements. The target was already reported in 2018 (Bang et al. 2018). They conclude that the RV variations with a period of 719 days are likely to be caused by the pulsations because the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of HIPPARCOS photometric and H<sub>&#x03B1;</sub> EW variations for HD 18438 show peaks with periods close to that of RV variations and there were no correlations between bisectors and RV measurements. However, the data were not sufficient to reach a firm conclusion. We obtained more RV data for four years. The longer time baseline yields a more accurate determination with a revised period of 803 &#x00B1; 5 days and the planetary origin of RV variations with a minimum planetary companion mass of 21 &#x00B1; 1 M<sub>Jup</sub>. Our current estimate of the stellar parameters for HD 18438 makes it currently the largest star with a planetary companion.
  • Kyung-Suk Cho
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.213-224
  • 2023
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Type II solar radio bursts show frequency drifts from high to low over time. They have been known as a signature of coronal shock associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and/or flares, which cause an abrupt change in the space environment near the Earth (space weather). Therefore, early detection of type II bursts is important for forecasting of space weather. In this study, we develop a deep-learning (DL) model for the automatic detection of type II bursts. For this purpose, we adopted a 1-D Convolution Neutral Network (CNN) as it is well-suited for processing spatiotemporal information within the applied data set. We utilized a total of 286 radio burst spectrum images obtained by Hiraiso Radio Spectrograph (HiRAS) from 1991 and 2012, along with 231 spectrum images without the bursts from 2009 to 2015, to recognizes type II bursts. The burst types were labeled manually according to their spectra features in an answer table. Subsequently, we applied the 1-D CNN technique to the spectrum images using two filter windows with different size along time axis. To develop the DL model, we randomly selected 412 spectrum images (80%) for training and validation. The train history shows that both train and validation losses drop rapidly, while train and validation accuracies increased within approximately 100 epoches. For evaluation of the model's performance, we used 105 test images (20%) and employed a contingence table. It is found that false alarm ratio (FAR) and critical success index (CSI) were 0.14 and 0.83, respectively. Furthermore, we confirmed above result by adopting five-fold cross-validation method, in which we re-sampled five groups randomly. The estimated mean FAR and CSI of the five groups were 0.05 and 0.87, respectively. For experimental purposes, we applied our proposed model to 85 HiRAS type II radio bursts listed in the NGDC catalogue from 2009 to 2016 and 184 quiet (no bursts) spectrum images before and after the type II bursts. As a result, our model successfully detected 79 events (93%) of type II events. This results demonstrates, for the first time, that the 1-D CNN algorithm is useful for detecting type II bursts.
  • Carlos Contreras Pena
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.253-262
  • 2023
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This work presents four high-amplitude variable YSOs (&#x2243;3 mag at near- or mid-IR wavelengths) arising from the SPICY catalog. Three outbursts show a duration that is longer than 1 year, and are still ongoing. And additional YSO brightened over the last two epochs of NEOWISE observations and the duration of the outburst is thus unclear. Analysis of the spectra of the four sources confirms them as new members of the eruptive variable class. We find two YSOs that can be firmly classified as bona fide FUors and one object that falls in the V1647 Ori-like class. Given the uncertainty in the duration of its outburst, an additional YSO can only be classified as a candidate FUor. Continued monitoring and follow-up of these particular sources is important to better understand the accretion process of YSOs.
  • Kwang-Il Seon
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 56, n.2
  • pp.287-292
  • 2023
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This paper investigates the number of scatterings a photon undergoes in random walks before escaping from a medium. The number of scatterings in random walk processes is commonly approximated as &#x03C4; + &#x03C4;<sup>2</sup> in the literature, where &#x03C4; is the optical thickness measured from the center of the medium. However, it is found that this formula is not accurate. In this study, analytical solutions in sphere and slab geometries are derived for both optically thin and optically thick limits, assuming isotropic scattering. These solutions are verified using Monte Carlo simulations. In the optically thick limit, the number of scatterings is found to be 0.5 &#x03C4;<sup>2</sup> and 1.5 &#x03C4;<sup>2</sup> in a sphere and slab, respectively. In the optically thin limit, the number of scatterings is &#x2248; &#x03C4; in a sphere and &#x2248; &#x03C4; (1 - &#x03B3; - ln &#x03C4; + &#x03C4;) in a slab, where &#x03B3; &#x2243; 0.57722 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Additionally, we present approximate formulas that reasonably reproduce the simulation results well in intermediate optical depths. These results are applicable to scattering processes that exhibit forward and backward symmetry, including both isotropic and Thomson scattering.