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1984년 ~ 2024년까지 1,246 건한국우주과학회지를 계간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Space Science Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-052x (ISSN : 1225-052x)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,246건 (DB Construction : 1,246 Articles)
총 게시글 1,246 페이지 9/125
  • Song, Young-Joo
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.145-155
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
In this work, preliminary launch opportunities from NARO Space Center to the Sun-Earth Lagrange point are analyzed. Among five different Sun-Earth Lagrange points, L1 and L2 points are selected as suitable candidates for, respectively, solar and astrophysics missions. With high fidelity dynamics models, the L1 and L2 point targeting problem is formulated regarding the location of NARO Space Center and relevant Target Interface Point (TIP) for each different launch date is derived including launch injection energy per unit mass (C3), Right ascension of the injection orbit Apoapsis Vector (RAV) and Declination of the injection orbit Apoapsis Vector (DAV). Potential launch periods to achieve L1 and L2 transfer trajectory are also investigated regarding coasting characteristics from NARO Space Center. The magnitude of the Lagrange Orbit Insertion (LOI) burn, as well as the Orbit Maintenance (OM) maneuver to maintain more than one year of mission orbit around the Lagrange points, is also derived as an example. Even the current work has been made under many assumptions as there are no specific mission goals currently defined yet, so results from the current work could be a good starting point to extend diversities of future Korean deep-space missions.
  • Kam, Hosik
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.4
  • pp.229-236
  • 2021
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We present for the first time the characteristics of upper atmospheric horizontal winds over the Korean Peninsula. Winds and their variability are derived using four-year measurements by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) meteor radar. A general characteristic of zonal and meridional winds is that they exhibit distinct diurnal and seasonal variations. Their changes indicate sometimes similar or sometimes different periodicities. Both winds are characterized by either semi-diurnal tides (12 hour period) and/or diurnal tides (24 hour period) from 80-100 km. In terms of annual change, the annual variation is the strongest component in both winds, but semi-annual and ter-annual variations are only detected in zonal winds.
GLONASS, a satellite navigation system developed in Russia since 1976, is defunct and orbits in an unstable attitude. The satellites in these problems are not managed and there is no precise information, which can increase the risk of collisions with other space objects. In this study, detailed attitude dynamic have to be analyzed through photometry data, which requires spin period and spin axis. The light curve data is obtained by observing through the photometer at the Graz station and the power spectrum is calculated to obtain the cycle of the satellite. The geometric relationship between observer and sun is analyzed for GLONASS-50 satellite. The box-wing model is applied to obtain the phase reflection of the satellite and obtain the Irradiation of the satellite through this information. In Light Curve and Irradiation, the spin axis is calculated for each peak points with the distance square minimum technique. The spin axis of the GLONASS-50 satellite is RA = 116°, Dec = 92°.
  • Song, Young-Joo
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.3
  • pp.185-192
  • 2021
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This technical paper deals the practical transformation algorithms between several lunar reference frames which will be used for Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter (KPLO) flight operation. Despite of various lunar reference frame definitions already exist, use of a common transformation algorithm while establishing lunar reference frame is very important for all members related to KPLO mission. This is because use of slight different parameters during frame transformation may result significant misleading while reprocessing data based on KPLO flight dynamics. Therefore, details of practical transformation algorithms for the KPLO mission specific lunar reference frames is presented with step by step implementation procedures. Examples of transformation results are also presented to support KPLO flight dynamics data user community which is expected to give practical guidelines while post processing the data as their needs. With this technical paper, common understandings of reference frames that will be used throughout not only the KPLO flight operation but also science data reprocessing can be established. It is expected to eliminate, or at least minimize, unnecessary confusion among all of the KPLO mission members including: Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as well as other organizations participating in KPLO payload development and operation, or further lunar science community world-wide who are interested in KPLO science data post processing.
  • Song, Hosub
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.3
  • pp.157-164
  • 2021
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We describe a method for the in-orbit calibration of body-mounted magnetometers based on the CHAOS-7 geomagnetic field model. The code is designed to find the true calibration parameters autonomously by using only the onboard magnetometer data and the corresponding CHAOS outputs. As the model output and satellite data have different coordinate systems, they are first transformed to a Star Tracker Coordinate (STC). Then, non-linear optimization processes are run to minimize the differences between the CHAOS-7 model and satellite data in the STC. The process finally searches out a suite of calibration parameters that can maximize the model-data agreement. These parameters include the instrument gain, offset, axis orthogonality, and Euler rotation matrices between the magnetometer frame and the STC. To validate the performance of the Python code, we first produce pseudo satellite data by convoluting CHAOS-7 model outputs with a prescribed set of the 'true' calibration parameters. Then, we let the code autonomously undistort the pseudo satellite data through optimization processes, which ultimately track down the initially prescribed calibration parameters. The reconstructed parameters are in good agreement with the prescribed (true) ones, which demonstrates that the code can be used for actual instrument data calibration. This study is performed using Python 3.8.5, NumPy 1.19.2, SciPy 1.6, AstroPy 4.2, SpacePy 0.2.1, and ChaosmagPy 0.5 including the CHAOS-7.6 geomagnetic field model. This code will be utilized for processing NextSat-1 and Small scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment (SNIPE) data in the future.
  • Kim, Hee-Eun
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 37, n.2
  • pp.95-104
  • 2020
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Properties of plasmas that constitute the plasma sheet in the near-Earth magnetotail vary according to the solar wind conditions and location in the tail. In this case study, we present multi-spacecraft observations by Cluster that show a transition of plasma sheet from cold, dense to hot, tenuous state. The transition was associated with the passage of a spatial boundary that separates the plasma sheet into two regions with cold, dense and hot, tenuous plasmas. Ion phase space distributions show that the cold, dense ions have a Kappa distribution while the hot, tenuous ions have a Maxwellian distribution, implying that they have different origins or are produced by different thermalization processes. The transition boundary separated the plasma sheet in the dawn-dusk direction, and slowly moved toward the dawn flank. The hot, tenuous plasmas filled the central region while the cold, dense plasmas filled the outer region. The hot, tenuous plasmas were moving toward the Earth, pushing the cold, dense plasmas toward the flank. Different types of dynamical processes can be generated in each region, which can affect the development of geomagnetic activities.
  • Hussien, Fayrouz
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 37, n.1
  • pp.29-34
  • 2020
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On 21 August 2017, during 16:49 UT and 20:02 UT period, a total solar eclipse started. The totality shadow occurred over the United States in time between ~17:15 UT and ~18:47 UT. When the solar radiation is blocked by the moon, observations of the ionospheric parameters will be important in the space weather community. Fortunately, during this eclipse, two Swarm satellites (A and C) flied at about 445 km through lunar penumbra at local noon of United States in the upper ionosphere. In this work, we investigate the effect of the solar eclipse on electron density, slant total electron content (STEC) and electron temperature using data from Swarm mission over United States. We use calibrated measurements of plasma density and electron temperature. Our results indicate that: (1) the electron density and STEC have a significant depletion associated with the eclipse; which could be due to dominance of dissociative recombination over photoionization caused by the reduction of ionizing extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation during the eclipse time (2) the electron temperature decreases, compared with a reference day, by up to ~150 K; which could be due to the decrease in photoelectron heating from reduced photoionization.
  • Hwang, Junga
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.229-236
  • 2020
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There has been increasing necessity of more precise prediction and measurements of aviation radiation in Korea. For our air crew and passengers' radiation safety, we develop our own radiation prediction model of KREAM. In this paper, we validate the KREAM model based on comparison with Liulin observations. During early three months of this year, we perform total 25 experiments to measure aviation radiation exposure using Liulin-6K in commercial flights. We found that KREAM's result is very well consistent with Liulin observation in general. NAIRAS shows mostly higher results than Liulin observation, while CARI-6M shows generally lower results than the observations. The percent error of KREAM compared with Liulin observation is 10.95%. In contrast, the error for NAIRAS is 43.38% and 22.03% for CARI-6M. We found that the increase of the altitude might cause sudden increase in radiation exposure, especially for the polar route. As more comprehensive and complete analysis is required to validate KREAM's reliability to use for the public service, we plan to expand these radiation measurements with Liulin and Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) in the near future.
  • Lim, Hyung-Chul
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.219-228
  • 2020
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A CubeSat platform has become a popular choice due to inexpensive commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components and low launch cost. However, it requires more power-efficient and higher-data rate downlink capability for space applications related to remote sensing. In addition, the platform is limited by the size, weight and power (SWaP) constraints as well as the regulatory issue of licensing the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. The requirements and limitations have put optical communications on promising alternatives to RF communications for a CubeSat platform, owing to the power efficiency and high data rate as well as the license free spectrum. In this study, we analyzed the performance of optical downlink communications compatible with CubeSat platforms in terms of data rate, bit error rate (BER) and outage probability. Mathematical models of BER and outage probability were derived based on not only the log-normal model of atmospheric turbulence but also a transmitter with a finite extinction ratio. Given the fixed slot width, the optimal guard time and modulation orders were chosen to achieve the target data rate. And the two performance metrics, BER and outage data rate, were analyzed and discussed with respect to beam divergence angle, scintillation index and zenith angle.
  • Nam, Uk-won
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 37, n.4
  • pp.249-255
  • 2020
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We develop the tissue-equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) type's space radiation dosimeter to measure in-situ aviation radiation. That was originally developed as a payload of small satellite in the low-earth orbit. This dosimeter is based on a TEPC. It is made of an A-150 tissue-equivalent plastic shell of an internal diameter of 6 cm and a thickness of 0.3 cm. TEPC is filled with pure propane at 13.9 torrs to simulate a cell diameter of 2 ㎛. And the associated portable and low power electronics are also implemented. The verification experiments have been performed by the calibration experiments at ground level and compared with Liulin observation at aircraft altitude during the flight between Incheon airport (ICN) and John F. Kennedy airport (JFK). We found that the TEPC dosimeter can be used as a monitor for space radiation dosimeter at aviation altitude based on the verification with Liulin observation.