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1984년 ~ 2024년까지 1,246 건한국우주과학회지를 계간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Space Science Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-052x (ISSN : 1225-052x)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,246건 (DB Construction : 1,246 Articles)
총 게시글 1,246 페이지 8/125
  • Lim, Hyung-Chul
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.3
  • pp.165-173
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
Apophis is a near-Earth object with a diameter of approximately 340 m, which will come closer to the Earth than a geostationary orbit in 2029, offering a unique opportunity for characterizing the object during the upcoming encounter. Therefore, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute has a plan to propose a space mission to explore the Apophis asteroid using scientific instruments such as a laser altimeter. In this study, we evaluate the performance metrics of a laser altimeter using a pseudorandom noise modulation technique for the Apophis mission, in terms of detection probability and ranging accuracy. The closed-form expression of detection probability is provided using the cross correlation between the received pulse trains and pseudo-random binary sequence. And the new ranging accuracy model using Gaussian error propagation is also derived by considering the sampling rate. The operation range is significantly limited by thermal noise rather than background noise, owing to not only the low power laser but also the avalanche photodiode in the analog mode operation. However, it is demonstrated from the numerical simulation that the laser altimeter can achieve the ranging performance required for a proximity operation mode, which employs commercially available components onboard CubeSat-scale satellites for optical communications.
  • Yoo, Ji-Hyeon
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.1
  • pp.31-38
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
In this paper, we present observations of the Space Radiation Detectors (SRDs) onboard the Next Generation Small Satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1) satellite. The SRDs, which are a part of the Instruments for the study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS), consist of the Medium-Energy Particle Detector (MEPD) and the High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD). The MEPD can detect electrons, ions, and neutrals with energies ranging from 20 to 400 keV, and the HEPD can detect electrons over an energy range from 0.35 to 2 MeV. In this paper, we report an event where particle flux enhancements due to substorm injections are clearly identified in the MEPD A observations at energies of tens of keV. Additionally, we report a specific example observation of the electron distributions over a wide energy range in which we identify electron spatial distributions with energies of tens to hundreds of keV from the MEPD and with energy ranging up to a few MeV from the HEPD in the slot region and outer radiation belts. In addition, for an ~1.5-year period, we confirm that the HEPD successfully observed the well-known outer radiation belt electron flux distributions and their variations in time and L shell in a way consistent with the geomagnetic disturbance levels. Last, we find that the inner edge of the outer radiation belt is mostly coincident with the plasmapause locations in L, somewhat more consistent at subrelativistic energies than at relativistic energies. Based on these example events, we conclude that the SRD observations are of reliable quality, so they are useful for understanding the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, including substorms and radiation belt variations.
  • Jee, Geonhwa
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.4
  • pp.203-215
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
The auroral observation has been started at Jang Bogo Station (JBS), Antarctica by using a visible All-sky camera (v-ASC) in 2018 to routinely monitor the aurora in association with the simultaneous observations of the ionosphere, thermosphere and magnetosphere at the station. In this article, the auroral observations are introduced with the analysis procedure to recognize the aurora from the v-ASC image data and to compute the auroral occurrences and the initial results on their spatial and temporal distributions are presented. The auroral occurrences are mostly confined to the northern horizon in the evening sector and extend to the zenith from the northwest to cover almost the entire sky disk over JBS at around 08 MLT (magnetic local time; 03 LT) and then retract to the northeast in the morning sector. At near the magnetic local noon, the occurrences are horizontally distributed in the northern sky disk, which shows the auroral occurrences in the cusp region. The results of the auroral occurrences indicate that JBS is located most of the time in the polar cap near the poleward boundary of the auroral oval in the nightside and approaches closer to the oval in the morning sector. At around 08 MLT (03 LT), JBS is located within the auroral oval and then moves away from it, finally being located in the cusp region at the magnetic local noon, which indicates that the location of JBS turns out to be ideal to investigate the variabilities of the poleward boundary of the auroral oval from long-term observations of the auroral occurrences. The future plan for the ground auroral observations near JBS is presented.
  • Espitia, Daniela
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.119-134
  • 2021
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The data set collected during the night of the discovery of a minor body constitutes a too-short arc (TSA), resulting in failure of the differential correction procedure. This makes it necessary to recover the object during subsequent nights to gather more observations that will allow a preliminary orbit to be calculated. In this work, we present a recovery technique based on sampling the admissible region (AdRe) by the constrained Delaunay triangulation. We construct the AdRe in its topocentric and geocentric variants, using logarithmic and exponential metrics, for the following near-Earth-asteroids: (3122) Florence, (3200) Phaethon, 2003 GW, (1864) Daedalus, 2003 BH84 and 1977 QQ5; and the main-belt asteroids: (1738) Oosterhoff, (4690) Strasbourg, (555) Norma, 2006 SO375, 2003 GE55 and (32811) Apisaon. Using our sampling technique, we established the ephemeris region for these objects, using intervals of observation from 25 minutes up to 2 hours, with propagation times from 1 up to 47 days. All these objects were recoverable in a field of vision of 95' × 72', except for (3122) Florence and (3200) Phaethon, since they were observed during their closest approach to the Earth. In the case of 2006 SO375, we performed an additional test with only two observations separated by 2 minutes, achieving a recovery of up to 28 days after its discovery, which demonstrates the potential of our technique.
  • Yoo, Sungmin
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.4
  • pp.193-202
  • 2021
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We present analysis results of Korean VLBI Network (KVN) four-band data for the highly variable blazar 3C 279. We measured the 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz flux densities and spectral indices of the source using contemporaneous data taken over 5.6 years. We used the discrete correlation function to investigate correlations between the radio emission properties and those measured in the optical (2 &#x00D7; 10<sup>14</sup> - 1.5 &#x00D7; 10<sup>15</sup> Hz), X-ray (0.3-10 keV), and gamma-ray (0.1-300 GeV) bands. We found a significant correlation between the radio spectral index and gamma-ray flux without a time delay and interpreted the correlation using an extended jet scenario for blazar emission.
  • Park, Kihong
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.1
  • pp.55-63
  • 2021
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The universe is well known to be consists of dark energy, dark matter and the standard model (SM) particles. The dark matter dominates the density of matter in the universe. The dark matter is thought to be linked with dark photon which are hypothetical hidden sector particles similar to photons in electromagnetism but potentially proposed as force carriers. Due to the extremely small cross-section of dark matter, a large amount of data is needed to be processed. Therefore, we need to optimize the central processing unit (CPU) time. In this work, using MadGraph5 as a simulation tool kit, we examined the CPU time, and cross-section of dark matter at the electron-positron collider considering three parameters including the center of mass energy, dark photon mass, and coupling constant. The signal process pertained to a dark photon, which couples only to heavy leptons. We only dealt with the case of dark photon decaying into two muons. We used the simplified model which covers dark matter particles and dark photon particles as well as the SM particles. To compare the CPU time of simulation, one or more cores of the KISTI-5 supercomputer of Nurion Knights Landing and Skylake and a local Linux machine were used. Our results can help optimize high-energy physics software through high-performance computing and enable the users to incorporate parallel processing.
  • Chang, Heon-Young
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.1
  • pp.23-29
  • 2021
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Utilizing a new version of the sunspot number and group sunspot number dataset available since 2015, we have statistically studied the relationship between solar activity parameters describing solar cycles and the slope of the linear relationship between the monthly sunspot numbers and the monthly number of active days in percentage (AD). As an effort of evaluating possibilities in use of the number of active days to predict solar activity, it is worthwhile to revisit and extend the analysis performed earlier. In calculating the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient r, the Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient rs, and the Kendall's &#964; coefficient with the rejection probability, we have calculated the slope for a given solar cycle in three different ways, namely, by counting the spotless day that occurred during the ascending phase and the descending phase of the solar cycle separately, and during the period corresponding to solar minimum &#177; 2 years as well. We have found that the maximum solar sunspot number of a given solar cycle and the duration of the ascending phase are hardly correlated with the slope of a linear function of the monthly sunspot numbers and AD. On the other hand, the duration of a solar cycle is found to be marginally correlated with the slope with the rejection probabilities less than a couple of percent. We have also attempted to compare the relation of the monthly sunspot numbers with AD for the even and odd solar cycles. It is inconclusive, however, that the slopes of the linear relationship between the monthly group numbers and AD are subject to the even and odd solar cycles.
  • Khattab, Elamira Hend
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.93-103
  • 2021
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In this work, the problem of resonance caused by some gravitational potentials due to Mercury and a third body, namely the Sun, together with some non-gravitational perturbations, specifically coronal mass ejections and solar wind in addition to radiation pressure, are investigated. Some simplifying assumptions without loss of accuracy are employed. The considered force model is constructed. Then the Delaunay canonical set is introduced. The Hamiltonian of the problem is obtained then it is expressed in terms of the Deluanay canonical set. The Hamiltonian is re-ordered to adopt it to the perturbation technique used to solve the problem. The Lie transform method is surveyed. The Hamiltonian is doubly averaged. The resonance capture is investigated. Finally, some numerical simulations are illustrated and are analyzed. Many resonant inclinations are revealed.
  • Chae, Jongchul
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.2
  • pp.83-92
  • 2021
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The ionization degree of hydrogen is crucial in the physics of the plasma in the solar chromosphere. It specifically limits the range of plasma temperatures that can be determined from the H&#x03B1; line. Given that the chromosphere greatly deviates from the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) condition, precise determinations of hydrogen ionization require the solving of the full set of non-LTE radiative transfer equations throughout the atmosphere, which is usually a formidable task. In many cases, it is still necessary to obtain a quick estimate of hydrogen ionization without having to solve for the non-LTE radiative transfer. Here, we present a simple method to meet this need. We adopt the assumption that the photoionizing radiation field changes little over time, even if physical conditions change locally. With this assumption, the photoionization rate can be obtained from a published atmosphere model and can be used to determine the degree of hydrogen ionization when the temperature and electron density are specified. The application of our method indicates that in the chromospheric environment, plasma features contain more than 10% neutral hydrogen at temperatures lower than 17,000 K but less than 1% neutral hydrogen at temperatures higher than 23,000 K, implying that the hydrogen temperature determined from the H&#x03B1; line is physically plausible if it is lower than 20,000 K, but may not be real, if it is higher than 25,000 K. We conclude that our method can be readily exploited to obtain a quick estimate of hydrogen ionization in plasma features in the solar chromosphere.
  • Jang, Uicheol
  • Journal of astronomy and space sciences
  • 38, n.1
  • pp.39-44
  • 2021
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In the general accretion disk model theory, the accretion disk surrounding an astronomical object comprises fluid rings obeying Keplerian motion. However, we should consider relativistic and rotational effects as we close in toward the center of accretion disk surrounding spinning compact massive objects such as a black hole or a neutron star. In this study, we explore the geometry of the inner portion of the accretion disk in the context of Mukhopadhyay's pseudo-Newtonian potential approximation for the full general relativity theory. We found that the shape of the accretion disk 'puffs up' or becomes thicker and the luminosity of the disk could exceed the Eddington luminosity near the surface of the compact spinning black hole.