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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 8/122
  • Magara, Tetsuya
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.5
  • pp.157-170
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
We investigate flow and magnetic structure of a solar prominence with a focus on how the magnetic field originally determined by subsurface dynamics gives rise to the structure. We perform a magnetohydrodynamic simulation that reproduces the self-consistent evolution of a flow and the magnetic field passing freely through the solar surface. By analyzing Lagrangian displacements of magnetized plasma elements, we demonstrate the flow structure that is naturally incorporated to the magnetic structure of the prominence formed via dynamic interaction between the flow and the magnetic field. Our results explain a diverging flow on a U-loop, a counterclockwise downdraft along a rotating field line, acceleration and deceleration of a downflow along an S-loop, and partial emergence of a W-loop, which may play key roles in determining structural properties of the prominence.
  • Kim, Ki-Beom
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.4
  • pp.129-137
  • 2021
  • 원문 바로보기
It has been established that the acoustic mode parameters of the Sun and Sun-like stars vary over activity cycles. Since the observed variations are not consistent with an activity-related origin, even Sun-like stars showing out-of-phase changes of mode frequencies and amplitudes need to be carefully studied using other observational quantities. In order to test whether the presumed relations between the global seismic parameters are a signature of the stellar activity cycle, we analyze the photometric light curve of HD 49933 for which the first direct detection of an asteroseismic signature for activity-induced variations in a Sun-like star was made, using observations by the CoRoT space telescope. We find that the amplitude of the envelope significantly anti-correlates with both the maximum frequency of the envelope and the width of the envelope unless superflare-like events completely contaminate the light curve. However, even though the photometric proxy for stellar magnetic activity appears to show relations with the global asteroseismic parameters, they are statistically insignificant. Therefore, we conclude that the global asteroseismic parameters can be utilized in cross-checking asteroseismic detections of activity-related variations in Sun-like stars, and that it is probably less secure and effective to construct a photometric magnetic activity proxy to indirectly correlate the global asteroseismic parameters. Finally, we seismically estimate the mass of HD 49933 based on our determination of the large separation of HD 49933 with evolutionary tracks computed by the MESA code and find a value of about 1.2M<sub>&#x2609;</sub> and a sub-solar metallicity of Z = 0.008, which agrees with the current consensus and with asteroseismic and non-asteroseismic data.
  • Do, Thi Hoai
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.6
  • pp.171-182
  • 2021
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The lack of short baselines, referred to as the short-spacing problem (SSP), is a well-known limitation of the performance of radio interferometers, causing a reduction of the flux detected from source structure on large angular scales. The very large number of antennas operated in the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) generates situations for which the impact of the SSP takes a complex form, not simply measurable by a single number, such as the maximal recoverable scale. In particular, extended antenna configurations, complemented by a small group of closeby antennas at the centre of the array, may result in a double-humped baseline distribution with a significant gap between the two groups. In such cases one should adopt as the effective maximal recoverable scale the one associated with the extended array and use only the central array to recover missing flux, as one would do with single dish or ACA (Atacama Compact Array) observations. The impact of the missing baselines can be very important and may easily be underestimated, or even overlooked. The present study uses ALMA archival data of the <sup>29</sup>SiO(8-7) line emission of the AGB star W Hydrae for a demonstration. A critical discussion of the reliability of the observations away from the star is presented together with comments of a broader scope. Properties of the circumstellar envelope of W Hya within ~15 au from the star, many of which are not mentioned in the published literature, are briefly described and compared with R Doradus, an AGB star having properties very similar to W Hya.
  • Kang, Hyesung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.3
  • pp.103-112
  • 2021
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The intracluster medium (ICM) is expected to experience on average about three passages of weak shocks with low sonic Mach numbers, M &#x2272; 3, during the formation of galaxy clusters. Both protons and electrons could be accelerated to become high energy cosmic rays (CRs) at such ICM shocks via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). We examine the effects of DSA by multiple shocks on the spectrum of accelerated CRs by including in situ injection/acceleration at each shock, followed by repeated re-acceleration at successive shocks in the test-particle regime. For simplicity, the accelerated particles are assumed to undergo adiabatic decompression without energy loss and escape from the system, before they encounter subsequent shocks. We show that in general the CR spectrum is flattened by multiple shock passages, compared to a single episode of DSA, and that the acceleration efficiency increases with successive shock passages. However, the decompression due to the expansion of shocks into the cluster outskirts may reduce the amplification and flattening of the CR spectrum by multiple shock passages. The final CR spectrum behind the last shock is determined by the accumulated effects of repeated re-acceleration by all previous shocks, but it is relatively insensitive to the ordering of the shock Mach numbers. Thus multiple passages of shocks may cause the slope of the CR spectrum to deviate from the canonical DSA power-law slope of the current shock.
  • Kim, Minjun
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.1
  • pp.1-8
  • 2021
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We report X-ray timing and spectral properties of the pulsar PSR J0205+6449 measured using NuSTAR and Chandra observatories. We measure the pulsar's rotation frequency &#957; = 15.20102357(9) s-1 and its derivative <TEX>$\dot{\nu}=-4.5(1){\times}10^{-11}\;s^{-2}$</TEX> during the observation period, and model the 2-30 keV on-pulse spectrum of the pulsar with a power law having a photon index &#915;psr = 1.07 &#177; 0.16 and a 2-30 keV flux F2-30 keV = 7.3&#177;0.6 &#215; 10-13 erg cm-2 s-1. The Chandra 0.5-10 keV data are analyzed for an investigation of the pulsar's thermal emission properties. We use thermal and non-thermal emission models to fit the Chandra spectra and infer the surface temperature T&#8734; and luminosity Lth of the neutron star to be T&#8734; = 0.5 - 0.8 MK and Lth = 1 - 5 &#215; 1032 erg s-1. This agrees with previous results which indicated that PSR J0205+6449 has a low surface temperature and luminosity for its age of 800-5600 yrs.
  • Mun, Jae Yeon
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.1
  • pp.17-35
  • 2021
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We study galaxies undergoing ram pressure stripping in the Virgo cluster to examine whether we can identify any discernible trend in their star formation activity. We first use 48 galaxies undergoing different stages of stripping based on H i morphology, H i deficiency, and relative extent to the stellar disk, from the VIVA survey. We then employ a new scheme for galaxy classification which combines H i mass fractions and locations in projected phase space, resulting in a new sample of 365 galaxies. We utilize a variety of star formation tracers, which include g - r, WISE [3.4]-[12] colors, and starburstiness that are defined by stellar mass and star formation rates to compare the star formation activity of galaxies at different stripping stages. We find no clear evidence for enhancement in the integrated star formation activity of galaxies undergoing early to active stripping. We are instead able to capture the overall quenching of star formation activity with increasing degree of ram pressure stripping, in agreement with previous studies. Our results suggest that if there is any ram pressure stripping induced enhancement, it is at best locally modest, and galaxies undergoing enhancement make up a small fraction of the total sample. Our results also indicate that it is possible to trace galaxies at different stages of stripping with the combination of H i gas content and location in projected phase space, which can be extended to other galaxy clusters that lack high-resolution H i imaging.
  • Park, Yong-Sun
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.6
  • pp.183-190
  • 2021
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We have revisited Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations for clumpy molecular clouds. Instead of introducing a three-dimensional geometry to implement clumpy structure, we have made use of its stochastic properties in a one-dimensional geometry. Taking into account the reduction of spontaneous emission and optical depth due to clumpiness, we have derived the excitation conditions of clumpy clouds and compared them with those of three-dimensional calculations. We found that the proposed approach reproduces the excitation conditions in a way compatible to those from three-dimensional models, and reveals the dependencies of the excitation conditions on the size of clumps. When bulk motions are involved, the applicability of the approach is rather vague, but the one-dimensional approach can be an excellent proxy for more rigorous three-dimensional calculations.
  • Chae, Jongchul
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.5
  • pp.139-155
  • 2021
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We present an updated version of the multilayer spectral inversion (MLSI) recently proposed as a technique to infer the physical parameters of plasmas in the solar chromosphere from a strong absorption line. In the original MLSI, the absorption profile was constant over each layer of the chromosphere, whereas the source function was allowed to vary with optical depth. In our updated MLSI, the absorption profile is allowed to vary with optical depth in each layer and kept continuous at the interface of two adjacent layers. We also propose a new set of physical requirements for the parameters useful in the constrained model fitting. We apply this updated MLSI to two sets of H&#x03B1; and Ca II line spectral data taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) from a quiet region and an active region, respectively. We find that the new version of the MLSI satisfactorily fits most of the observed line profiles of various features, including a network feature, an internetwork feature, a mottle feature in a quiet region, and a plage feature, a superpenumbral fibril, an umbral feature, and a fast downflow feature in an active region. The MLSI can also yield physically reasonable estimates of hydrogen temperature and nonthermal speed as well as Doppler velocities at different atmospheric levels. We conclude that the MLSI is a very useful tool to analyze the H&#x03B1; line and the Ca II 8542 line spectral daya, and will promote the investigation of physical processes occurring in the solar photosphere and chromosphere.
  • Im, Myungshin
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.3
  • pp.89-102
  • 2021
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Even in an era where 8-meter class telescopes are common, small telescopes are considered very valuable research facilities since they are available for rapid follow-up or long term monitoring observations. To maximize the usefulness of small telescopes in Korea, we established the SomangNet, a network of 0.4-1.0 m class optical telescopes operated by Korean institutions, in 2020. Here, we give an overview of the project, describing the current participating telescopes, its scientific scope and operation mode, and the prospects for future activities. SomangNet currently includes 10 telescopes that are located in Australia, USA, and Chile as well as in Korea. The operation of many of these telescopes currently relies on operators, and we plan to upgrade them for remote or robotic operation. The latest SomangNet science projects include monitoring and follow-up observational studies of galaxies, supernovae, active galactic nuclei, symbiotic stars, solar system objects, neutrino/gravitational-wave sources, and exoplanets.
  • Kim, Ki-Beom
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 54, n.4
  • pp.121-128
  • 2021
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It has been known that the global asteroseismic parameters as well as the stellar acoustic mode parameters vary with stellar magnetic activity. Some solar-like stars whose variations are thought to be induced by magnetic activity, however, show mode frequencies changing with different magnitude and phase unlike what is expected for the Sun. Therefore, it is of great importance to find out whether expected relations are consistently manifested regardless of the phase of the stellar magnetic cycle, in the sense that observations are apt to cover a part of a complete cycle of stellar magnetic activity unless observations span several decades. Here, we explore whether the observed relations of the global seismic parameters hold good regardless of the phase of the stellar magnetic cycle, even if observations only cover a part of the stellar magnetic cycle. For this purpose, by analyzing photometric Sun-as-a-star data from 1996 to 2019 covering solar cycles 23 and 24, we compare correlations of the global asteroseismic parameters and magnetic proxies for four separate intervals of the solar cycle: solar minima &#x00B1;2 years, solar minima +4 years, solar maxima &#x00B1;2 years, and solar maxima +4 years. We have found that the photometric magnetic activity proxy, S<sub>ph</sub>, is an effective proxy for the solar magnetic activity regardless of the phase of the solar cycle. The amplitude of the mode envelope correlates negatively with the solar magnetic activity regardless of the phase of the solar cycle. However, relations between the central frequency of the envelope and the envelope width are vulnerable to the phase of the stellar magnetic cycle.