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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 74/122
  • 문봉곤
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.1
  • pp.35-40
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
For the planned experiments of Korea Sounding Rocket-III (KSR-III), we have constructed a model of MUV dayglow in the mid-latitude. The model computes relative intensities of individual emission lines in the Vegard-Kaplan and 2PG band systems of <TEX>$N_2$</TEX> in the wavelength range of 2500-3500<TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>. In addition to the emission lines, solar scattered continuum was computed by an extended LOWTRAN7 code, in which we have included solar scattering in altitudes higher than 100 km by using MSIS90 thermosphere model. Ratios among vibrational bands of VK and 2PG system, were computed from the observed MUV dayglow spectra of Cleary et al. (1995). The model provides MUV dayglow intensitiy profiles with a wavelength resolution of 3.13<TEX>${\AA}$</TEX> as a function of altitude. The computed intensity profiles have been utilized in designing the KSR-III airglow photometers.
  • 한수련
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.2
  • pp.67-80
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
Chemical evolution of galaxies can be understood by studying the spatial distribution of heavy elements. We selected two nearby galaxies, M31 and M33 and investigated spectrum of their HII regions: a) the elec-tron densities have been derived from the [S II] 6717/6731 ratio along with the most recent atomic constants (Hyung & Aller 1996); b) the electron temperatures were determinated from the Pagel's empirical method. Nebula Model (Hyung 1994) has been employed to predict the spectral line intensities which gives the proper chemical abundances. The model would predict the line intensities correctly only when various input parameters such as the effective central star temperatures, gravity log g, model atmosphere as well as the geometry and the nebula physical condition are appropriate. Thus, the determination of chemical abundances of O, S, N of the two nearby galaxies M31 and M33 has been done, which shows a radial dependance of O/H and N/H: decrease with the distance, or increasing electron temperature due to the elemental deficiency. Abundances of M31 appear to be enhanced than those of M33.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.271-273
  • 2001
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We present a 4-parameter implicit Lagrangean code which satisfies conservation of mass, linear and angular momenta, energy and entropy simultaneously. The primary advantage of this scheme is possibility to control dissipative properties of the scheme avoiding the effects of numerical viscosity.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.265-269
  • 2001
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We present preliminary numerical simulations of tilted-disk accretion around a rotating black hole. Our goal is to explore whether hydrodynamic instabilities near the Bardeen-Petterson radius could be responsible for generating moderate-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray binaries. We review the relevant general relativistic hydrodynamic equations, and discuss preliminary results on the structure and dynamics of a thin, Keplerian disk.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.333-335
  • 2001
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We study the properties of supernova (SN) driven interstellar turbulence with a numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. Calculations were done using the RIEMANN framework for MHD, which is highly suited for astrophysical flows because it tracks shocks using a Riemann solver and ensures pressure positivity and a divergence-free magnetic field. We start our simulations with a uniform density threaded by a uniform magnetic field. A simplified radiative cooling curve and a constant heating rate are also included. In this radiatively-cooling magnetized medium, we explode SNe one at a time at randomly chosen positions with SN explosion rates equal to and 12 times higher than the Galactic value. The evolution of the system is basically determined by the input energy of SN explosions and the output energy of radiative cooling. We follow the simulations to the point where the total energy of the system, as well as thermal, kinetic, and magnetic energy individually, has reached a quasi-stationary value. From the numerical experiments, we find that: i) both thermal and dynamical processes are important in determining the phases of the interstellar medium, and ii) the power index n of the <TEX>$B-p^n$</TEX> relation is consistent with observed values.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 33, n.2
  • pp.75-80
  • 2000
  • 원문 바로보기
In order to identify the candidates of emission-line galaxies inside the southern Hydra Void, photo-graphic objective-prism observations with the UK Schmidt Telescope were carried out using the Tech-Pan films for five fields. All observed prism plates were scanned with the APM Facility and the scanned data was processed to determine the APM plate parameters and to draw spectra. For all galaxy spectra, the emission features, the distance between emission features of H<TEX>$\beta$</TEX>4861, [OIII]<TEX>${\lambda}{\lambda}$</TEX> 4959, 5007 and the overlapping by nearby objects were investigated by eyeballing. A total of 7 candidates of emission-line galaxies inside the Hydra Void were identified.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 33, n.1
  • pp.19-28
  • 2000
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In the earlier papers we analyzed the axisymmetric, nonstationary electrodynamics of the central black hole and a surrounding thin accretion disk in an active galactic nucleus. In this paper we analyze the axisymmetric, nonstationary electrodynamics of the black hole magnetosphere in a similar way. In the earlier papers we employed the poloidal component of the plasma velocity which is confined only to the radial direction of the cylindrical coordinate system. In this paper we employ a more general poloidal velocity and get the Grad-Shafranov equation of the force-free magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole. The equation is consistent with the previous ones and is more general in many aspects as it should be. We also show in more general approaches that the angular velocity of the magnetic field lines anchored on the accreting matter tends to become close to that of the black hole at the equatorial zone of the hole.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 33, n.1
  • pp.57-73
  • 2000
  • 원문 바로보기
We have done a spectroscopic study of the solar transition region using high resolution UV & EUV data obtained by SUMER(Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) on board SOHO(Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). Optically thin and conspicuous emission lines observed at the solar limb are carefully selected to acquire average values of physical parameters for the quiet region as a function of radial distance. Our main results found from the present study can be summarized as follows. 1) Nonthermal velocities estimated from various UV lines do not decrease with height at least within one total line intensity scale height above the limb. 2) Nonthermal velocity distribution with temperature is very similar to that of the disk center, in the sense that its peak is located around <TEX>$2{\times}10^5 K$</TEX>, but the value is systematically larger than that of the disk. 3) It is found that nonthermal velocity is inversely proportional. to quadratic root of electron density up to about 10 arc seconds above the limb, i.e. <TEX>${\xi}\~N_e^{-1/4}$</TEX>, implying that the observed nonthermal broadening can be attributed to Alfven waves passing through the medium. 41 Electron density estimated from the O V 629/760 line ratio is found to range from about <TEX>$1{\times}10^{10}cm^{-3}$</TEX> to <TEX>$2{\times} 10^{12}cm^{-3}$</TEX> in the transition region.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 33, n.2
  • pp.89-95
  • 2000
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As an efficient method to detect blending of general gravitational microlensing events, it is proposed to measure the shift of source star image centroid caused by microlensing. The conventional method to detect blending by this method is measuring the difference between the positions of the source star image point spread function measured on the images taken before and during the event (the PSF centroid shift, <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,PSF). In this paper, we investigate the difference between the centroid positions measured on the reference and the subtracted images obtained by using the difference image analysis method (DIA centroid shift, <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c.DIA), and evaluate its relative usefulness in detecting blending over the conventional method based on <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,PSF measurements. From this investigation, we find that the DIA centroid shift of an event is always larger than the PSF centroid shift. We also find that while <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,PSF becomes smaller as the event amplification decreases, <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c.DIA remains constant regardless of the amplification. In addition, while <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,DIA linearly increases with the increasing value of the blended light fraction, <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,PSF peaks at a certain value of the blended light fraction and then eventually decreases as the fraction further increases. Therefore, measurements of <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,DIA instead of <TEX>${\delta}{\theta}$</TEX>c,PSF will be an even more efficient method to detect the blending effect of especially of highly blended events, for which the uncertainties in the determined time scales are high, as well as of low amplification events, for which the current method is highly inefficient.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 33, n.2
  • pp.127-135
  • 2000
  • 원문 바로보기
We investigate the effects of planetary rotation on the exospheres of the earth and Mars with simple collisionless models. We develope a numerical code that computes exospheric densities by integrating velocity functions at the exobase with a 10 point Gauss method. It is assumed in the model that atoms above the exobase altitude move collisionlessly on an orbit under the planet's gravity. Temperatures and densities at the exobase over the globe are adopted from MSIS-86 for the earth and from Bougher et al's MTGCM for Mars. For both the earth and Mars, the rotation affects the exospheric density distribution significantly in two ways: (1) the variation of the exospheric density distribution is shifted toward the rotational direction with respect to the variation at the exobase, (2) the exospheric densities in general increase over the non-rotating case. We find that the rotational effects are more significant for lower thermospheric temperatures. Both the enhancement of densities and shift of the exospheric distribution due to rotation have not been considered in previous models of Martian exosphere. Our non-spherical distribution with the rotational effects should contribute to refining the hot oxygen corona models of Mars which so far assume simple geometry. Our model will also help in analyzing exospheric data to be measured by the upcoming Nozomi mission to Mars.