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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 73/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.3
  • pp.157-166
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
The molecular cloud associated with the H II region S301 has been mapped in the J = 1-0 transitions of <TEX>$^{12}CO$</TEX> and <TEX>$^{13}CO$</TEX> using the 13.7 m radio telescope of Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory. The cloud is elongated along the north-south direction with two strong emission components facing the H II region. Its total mass is <TEX>$8.7 {\times} 10^3 M{\bigodot}$</TEX>. We find a velocity gradient of the molecular gas near the interface with the optical H II region, which may be a signature of interaction between the molecular cloud and the H II region. Spectra of CO, CS, and HCO+ exhibit line splitting even in the densest part of the cloud and suggests the clumpy structure. The radio continuum maps show that the ionzed gas is distributed with some asymmetry and the eastern part of the H II region is obscured by the molecular cloud. We propose that the S301 H II region is at the late stage of the champagne phase, but the second generation of stars has not yet been formed in the postshock layer.
  • 유계화
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.1
  • pp.31-33
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
The collision effects in particles of the accretion disk are examined by the use of small perturbation. The collision force is assumed to be equal to 2 vV. From the equations governing collisions of such particles the local dispersion relation is obtained.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.243-246
  • 2001
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We summarize various aspects of the interaction of supernova remnants (SNRs) with the ambient medium. We discuss the evolution' of SNRs in environments sculpted by the progenitor star, and summarize the factors on which this evolution depends. As a specific example, we consider the evolution of the medium around a 35 M<TEX>$\bigodot$</TEX> star, and the interaction of the shock wave with this medium when the star explodes as a SN. We also discuss the interaction of Type Ia SNe with the ambient medium, especially the formation and growth of hydrodynamic instabilities.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.337-339
  • 2001
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One-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of a protostellar flare loop is presented. The model consists of thermally isolated loop connecting the central core and the accretion disk. We found that the conductive heat flux of a flare heated the accretion disk up to coronal temperature and consequently the disk is evaporated and disappeard. This effect may explain the ovserved feature of the repeated flare from the young stellar object YLW 15.
  • 김강민
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.1
  • pp.41-45
  • 2001
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We tested the characteristics of the BOAO Medium Dispersion Spectrograph (MDS) such as the CCD capabilities, wavelength shift by gravity direction variation, slit illumination function and efficiency. Then we calculated the appropriate exposure time to obtain the given S/N ratio for several given magnitudes. Also the remaining problems to be improved were discussed.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.317-319
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
The response of the earth's magnetosphere to the variation of the solar wind parameters and Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been stud}ed by using a high-resolution, three-dimension magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation when the WIND data of velocity Vx, plasma density, dynamic pressure, By and Bz every 1 minute were used as input. Large electrojet and magnetic storm which occurred on October 21 and 22 are reproduced in the simulation (fig. 1). We have studied the energy transfer and tail reconnect ion in association with geomagnetic storms.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.281-283
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
As a companion to an adiabatic version developed by Ryu and his coworkers, we have built an isothermal magnetohydrodynamic code for astrophysical flows. It is suited for the dynamical simulations of flows where cooling timescale is much shorter than dynamical timescale, as well as for turbulence and dynamo simulations in which detailed energetics are unimportant. Since a simple isothermal equation of state substitutes the energy conservation equation, the numerical schemes for isothermal flows are simpler (no contact discontinuity) than those for adiabatic flows and the resulting code is faster. Tests for shock tubes and Alfven wave decay have shown that our isothermal code has not only a good shock capturing ability, but also numerical dissipation smaller than its adiabatic analogue. As a real astrophysical application of the code, we have simulated the nonlinear three-dimensional evolution of the Parker instability. A factor of two enhancement in vertical column density has been achieved at most, and the main structures formed are sheet-like and aligned with the mean field direction. We conclude that the Parker instability alone is not a viable formation mechanism of the giant molecular clouds.
  • 이용삼
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.1
  • pp.47-57
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
In this paper we have reconstructed an armillary sphere based on the Method of an Armillary Sphere Making described in the Volume 1 of The Collection of Writings on the Scientific Instruments-Uigijipsol (儀器輯說, two volumes) edited in the 1850's by Nam Byong-Chul (南秉哲, 1817-1863) who was a famous Korean states-man-scientist. Nam achieved convenience and accuracy in the measurements of stellar positions in the manner of selective setting the equatorial, ecliptic and horizontal poles by adding a pole axis exchange ring called Jaigeukkwon (載極圈) between the Three Arrangers of Time and Four Displacements. We made use of 3-dimensional graphic software for modelling Nam's armillary sphere which consisted of five layers-eight rings. Results of simulation showed that the pole axis exchange ring functioned properly in setting the equatorial, ecliptic and horizontal coordinates simply by exchange of positions of specified holes on the ring. We ascertained that the invention of Jaigeukkwon solved inherent problems in the conventional Chinese armillary sphere in computation of real ecliptic coordinates. It was revealed that Nam Byong-Chul made great contributions in the East Asian history of armillary sphere making.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.4
  • pp.181-190
  • 2001
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The advent of robust, reliable and accurate higher order Godunov schemes for many of the systems of equations of interest in computational astrophysics has made it important to understand how to solve them in multi-scale fashion. This is so because the physics associated with astrophysical phenomena evolves in multi-scale fashion and we wish to arrive at a multi-scale simulational capability to represent the physics. Because astrophysical systems have magnetic fields, multi-scale magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is of especial interest. In this paper we first discuss general issues in adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), We then focus on the important issues in carrying out divergence-free AMR-MHD and catalogue the progress we have made in that area. We show that AMR methods lend themselves to easy parallelization. We then discuss applications of the RIEMANN framework for AMR-MHD to problems in computational astophysics.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 34, n.3
  • pp.167-179
  • 2001
  • 원문 바로보기
A molecular line survey towards the UC H II region G34.3+0.15 from 155.3 to 165.3GHz has been conducted with the TRAO 14-m radio telescope. Combined with our previous observations from 84.7 to 115.6GHz and 123.5 to 155.3GHz (Paper I), the spectral coverage of this survey in G34.3+0.15 now runs from 85 to 165 GHz. From these latest observations, a total of 18 lines from 6 species were detected. These include four new lines corresponding to <TEX>${\Delta}$</TEX>J = 0, <TEX>${\Delta}$</TEX>K = 1 transitions of the <TEX>$CH_3OH$</TEX> E-type species, and two new lines corresponding to transitions from <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX> and <TEX>$HC_3N$</TEX>. These 6 new lines are <TEX>$CH_3OH$</TEX>[1(1) - 1(0)E], <TEX>$CH_3OH$</TEX>[2(1) - 2(0)E], <TEX>$CH_3OH$</TEX>[3(1) - 3(0)E], <TEX>$CH_3OH$</TEX>[4(1) - 4(0)E], <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX>[14(1, 13) -14(0, 14)] and <TEX>$HC_3N$</TEX>[18 -17]. We applied a rotation diagram analysis to derive rotation temperatures and column densities from the methanol transitions detected, and combined with NRAO 12-m data from Slysh et al. 1999. Applying a two-component fit, we find a cold component with temperature 13-16K and column density <TEX>$3.3-3.4 {\times} 10^{14} cm^{-2}$</TEX>, and a hot component with temperature 64 - 83K and column density <TEX>$9.3{\times}10^{14} - 9.7 {\times} 10^{14} cm^{-2}$</TEX>. On the other hand, applying just a one-component fit yields temperatures in the 47 -62 K range and column densities from <TEX>$7.5-1.1 {\times} 10^{15} cm^{-2}$</TEX>.