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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 30/122
  • Ghaderi, Kamal
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.1
  • pp.1-6
  • 2012
  • 원문 바로보기
We use a Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) technique to derive the orbital parameters of spectroscopic binary stars. Using measured radial velocity data of five double-lined spectroscopic binary systems (i.e., EQ Tau, V376 And, V776 Cas, V2377 Oph and EE Cet), we find the corresponding orbital and spectroscopic elements. Our numerical results are in good agreement with those obtained by other groups via more traditional methods.
  • Choi, Seong-Hwan
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.2
  • pp.31-38
  • 2012
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In this study we apply Support Vector Machine (SVM) to the prediction of geo-effective halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The SVM, which is one of machine learning algorithms, is used for the purpose of classification and regression analysis. We use halo and partial halo CMEs from January 1996 to April 2010 in the SOHO/LASCO CME Catalog for training and prediction. And we also use their associated X-ray flare classes to identify front-side halo CMEs (stronger than B1 class), and the Dst index to determine geo-effective halo CMEs (stronger than -50 nT). The combinations of the speed and the angular width of CMEs, and their associated X-ray classes are used for input features of the SVM. We make an attempt to find the best model by using cross-validation which is processed by changing kernel functions of the SVM and their parameters. As a result we obtain statistical parameters for the best model by using the speed of CME and its associated X-ray flare class as input features of the SVM: Accuracy=0.66, PODy=0.76, PODn=0.49, FAR=0.72, Bias=1.06, CSI=0.59, TSS=0.25. The performance of the statistical parameters by applying the SVM is much better than those from the simple classifications based on constant classifiers.
  • Hwang, Jai-Chan
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.3
  • pp.65-69
  • 2012
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Physical cosmology tries to understand the Universe at large with its origin and evolution. Observational and experimental situations in cosmology do not allow us to proceed purely based on the empirical means. We examine in which sense our cosmological assumptions in fact have shaped our current cosmological worldview with consequent inevitable limits. Cosmology, as other branches of science and knowledge, is a construct of human imagination reflecting the popular belief system of the era. The question at issue deserves further philosophic discussions. In Whitehead's words, 'philosophy, in one of its functions, is the critic of cosmologies'. (Whitehead 1925).
  • Feng, Song
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.6
  • pp.167-173
  • 2012
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Inter-granular Bright Points (igBPs) are small-scale objects in the Solar photosphere which can be seen within dark inter-granular lanes. We present a new algorithm to automatically detect and extract igBPs. Laplacian and Morphological Dilation (LMD) technique is employed by the algorithm. It involves three basic processing steps: (1) obtaining candidate 'seed' regions by Laplacian; (2) determining the boundary and size of igBPs by morphological dilation; (3) discarding brighter granules by a probability criterion. For validating our algorithm, we used the observed samples of the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT), collected on April 12, 2007. They contain 180 high-resolution images, and each has a <TEX>$85{\times}68\;arcsec^2$</TEX> field of view (FOV). Two important results are obtained: first, the identified rate of igBPs reaches 95% and is higher than previous results; second, the diameter distribution is <TEX>$220{\pm}25km$</TEX>, which is fully consistent with previously published data. We conclude that the presented algorithm can detect and extract igBPs automatically and effectively.
  • Park, Myeong-Gu
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.4
  • pp.101-110
  • 2012
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I present here one approach to general relativistic radiation hydrodynamics. It is based on covariant tensor conservation equations and considers only the frequency-integrated total energy and momentum exchange between matter and the radiation field. It is also a mixed-frame formalism in the sense that, the interaction between radiation and matter is described with quantities in the comoving frame in which the interaction is often symmetric in angle while the radiation energy and momentum equations are expressed in the fixed frame quantities in which the derivatives are simpler. Hence, this approach is intuitive enough to be applied straightforwardly to any spacetime or coordinate. A few examples are provided along with caveats in this formalism.
  • Minh, Young Chol
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.6
  • pp.157-166
  • 2012
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Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we identified two bright hot subcores, MM1a and MM1b (size ~ 1' and mass ~ 0.5 <TEX>$M_{\odot}$</TEX>) separated by about 1.600, in the 230 GHz continuum emission toward the massive star-forming region DR21(OH). Both display typical hot core characteristics but have slightly different chemical properties. For example, highly saturated species show stronger emission toward MM1a and seem to be evaporating directly from the grain mantles. In contrast, simple sulfur-bearing species have brighter emission at MM1b. These features indicate that MM1a is at an earlier stage than MM1b, and the small-scale chemical differences between these two cores may result from the age difference of the order of <TEX>$10^4$</TEX> years.
  • Kim, Yong-Ha
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.2
  • pp.39-48
  • 2012
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We investigate non-LTE effects on the <TEX>$H_3^+$</TEX> level populations to help the analysis of the observed 2 and 3.5 micron <TEX>$H_3^+$</TEX> emissions from the Jovian ionosphere. We begin by constructing a simple three-level model, in order to compute the intensity ratio of the R(3,4) line in the hot band to the Q(1,0) line in the fundamental band, which have been observed in the Jovian auroral regions. We find that non-LTE effects produce only small changes in the intensity ratios for ambient <TEX>$H_2$</TEX> densities less than or equal to <TEX>$5{\times}10^{11}cm^{-3}$</TEX>. We then construct two comprehensive models by including all the collisional and radiative transitions between pairs of more than a thousand known <TEX>$H_3^+$</TEX> rovibrational levels with energies less than 10000 <TEX>$cm^{-1}$</TEX>. By employing these models, we find that the intensity ratios of the lines in the hot and fundamental bands are affected greatly by non-LTE effects, but the details depend sensitively on the number of collisional and radiative transitions included in the models. Non-LTE effects on the rovibrational population become evident at about the same ambient <TEX>$H_2$</TEX> densities in the comprehensive models as in the three-level model. However, the models show that rotational temperatures derived from the intensities of rotational lines in the <TEX>${\nu}_2$</TEX> and <TEX>$2{\nu}_2$</TEX> bands may differ significantly from the ambie temperatures in the non-LTE regime. We find that significant non-LTE effects appear near and above the <TEX>$H_3^+$</TEX> peak, and that the kinetic temperatures in the Jovian thermospheric temperatures derived from the observed line ratios in the 2 and 3.5 micron <TEX>$H_3^+$</TEX> emissions are highly model dependent.
  • Na, Sung-Ho
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.2
  • pp.49-57
  • 2012
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In this study, I calculate the past and future dynamical states of the Earth-Moon system by using modified Lambeck's formulae. I find that the ocean tidal effect must have been smaller in the past compared to its present amount. Even though the Moon is already in the spin-orbit synchronous rotational state, my calculation suggest that it will not be in geostationary rotational state in the next billion years or so. This is due to the associated Earth's obliquity increase and slow retardation of Earth's spin and lunar orbital angular velocities. I also attempt to calculate the precessional period of the Earth in the future. To avoid uncertainties in the time scale, the future state is described by using the Earth-Moon distance ratio as independent parameter. Effects due to solar tidal dissipation are included in all calculations.
  • Park, Hong-Soo
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.3
  • pp.71-84
  • 2012
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We present a photometric study of the globular clusters (GCs) in the Virgo giant elliptical galaxy M86 based on Washington <TEX>$CT_1$</TEX> images. The colors of the GCs in M86 show a bimodal distribution with a blue peak at (<TEX>$C-T_1$</TEX>) = 1.30 and a red peak at (<TEX>$C-T_1$</TEX>) = 1.72. The spatial distribution of the red GCs is elongated similar to that of the stellar halo, while that of the blue GCs is roughly circular. The radial number density profile of the blue GCs is more extended than that of the red GCs. The radial number density profile of the red GCs is consistent with the surface brightness profile of the M86 stellar halo. The GC system has a negative radial color gradient, which is mainly due to the number ratio of the blue GCs to the red GCs increasing as galactocentric radius increases. The bright blue GCs in the outer region of M86 show a blue tilt: the brighter they are, the redder their mean colors get. These results are discussed in comparison with other Virgo giant elliptical galaxies.
  • Kang, Hyesung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 45, n.5
  • pp.127-138
  • 2012
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We explore how wave-particle interactions affect diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) at astrophysical shocks by performing time-dependent kinetic simulations, in which phenomenological models for magnetic field amplification (MFA), Alfv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>nic drift, thermal leakage injection, Bohm-like diffusion, and a free escape boundary are implemented. If the injection fraction of cosmic-ray (CR) particles is <TEX>${\xi}$</TEX> > <TEX>$2{\times}10^{-4}$</TEX>, for the shock parameters relevant for young supernova remnants, DSA is efficient enough to develop a significant shock precursor due to CR feedback, and magnetic field can be amplified up to a factor of 20 via CR streaming instability in the upstream region. If scattering centers drift with Alfv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>n speed in the amplified magnetic field, the CR energy spectrum can be steepened significantly and the acceleration efficiency is reduced. Nonlinear DSA with self-consistent MFA and Alfv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>nic drift predicts that the postshock CR pressure saturates roughly at ~10 % of the shock ram pressure for strong shocks with a sonic Mach number ranging <TEX>$20{\leq}M_s{\leq}100$</TEX>. Since the amplified magnetic field follows the flow modification in the precursor, the low energy end of the particle spectrum is softened much more than the high energy end. As a result, the concave curvature in the energy spectra does not disappear entirely even with the help of Alfv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>nic drift. For shocks with a moderate Alfv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>n Mach number (<TEX>$M_A$</TEX> < 10), the accelerated CR spectrum can become as steep as <TEX>$E^{-2.1}$</TEX> - <TEX>$E^{-2.3}$</TEX>, which is more consistent with the observed CR spectrum and gamma-ray photon spectrum of several young supernova remnants.