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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 27/122
  • Yang, Dan
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 47, n.3
  • pp.105-113
  • 2014
  • 원문 바로보기
We apply differential affine velocity estimator (DAVE) to the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) 12-min line-of-sight magnetograms, and separately calculate the injected magnetic helicity for the leading and the following polarities of nine emerging bipolar active regions (ARs). Comparing magnetic helicity flux of the leading polarity with the following polarity, we find that six ARs studied in this paper have the following polarity that injected more magnetic helicity flux than that of the leading polarity. We also measure the mean area of each polarity in all the nine ARs, and find that the compact polarity tend to possess more magnetic helicity flux than the fragmented one. Our results confirm the previous studies on asymmetry of magnetic helicity that emerging bipolar ARs have a polarity preference in injecting magnetic helicity. Based on the changes of unsigned magnetic flux, we divide the emergence process into two evolutionary stages: (1) an increasing stage before the peak flux and (2) a constant or decreasing stage after the peak flux. Obvious changes on magnetic helicity flux can be seen during transition from one stage to another. Seven ARs have one or both polarity that changed the sign of magnetic helicity flux. Additionally, the prevailing polarity of the two ARs, which injects more magnetic helicity, changes form the following polarity to the leading one.
  • Kwon, Young-Joo
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 47, n.4
  • pp.123-135
  • 2014
  • 원문 바로보기
A silicate carbon star is a carbon star which shows circumstellar silicate dust features. We collect a sample of 44 silicate carbon stars from the literature and investigate the validity of the classification. For some objects, it is uncertain whether the central star is a carbon star. We confirm that 29 objects are verified silicate carbon stars. We classify the confirmed objects into three subclasses based on the evolution phase of the central star. To investigate the effect of the chemical transition phase from O to C, we use the radiative transfer models for the detached silicate dust shells. The spectral energy distributions and the infrared two-color diagrams of the silicate carbon stars are compared with the theoretical model results. For the chemical transition model without considering the effect of a disk, we find that the life time of the silicate feature is about 50 to 400 years depending on the initial dust optical depth.
  • Yun, Youngjoo
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 47, n.6
  • pp.201-207
  • 2014
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We report the development of solar flux receivers operating at 2.8 GHz to monitor solar radio activity. Radio waves from the sun are amplified, filtered, and then transmitted to a power meter sensor without frequency down-conversion. To measure solar flux, a calibration scheme is designed with a noise source, an ambient load, and a hot load at <TEX>$100^{\circ}C$</TEX>. The receiver is attached to a 1.8 m parabolic antenna in Icheon, owned by National Radio Research Agency, and observation is being conducted during day time on a daily basis. We compare the solar fluxes measured for last seven months with solar fluxes obtained by DRAO in Penticton, Canada, and by the Hiraiso solar observatory in Japan, and finally establish equations to convert observed flux to the so-called Penticton flux with an accuracy better than 3.2 sfu.
  • Lee, Sang-Sung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.6
  • pp.243-251
  • 2013
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We present results on the intrinsic brightness temperature of a sample of compact radio sources observed at 86 GHz using the Global Millimeter VLBI Array. We use the observed brightness temperatures at 86 GHz and the observed superluminal motions at 15 GHz for the sample in order to constrain the characteristic intrinsic brightness temperature of the sample. With a statistical method for studying the intrinsic brightness temperatures of innermost jet cores of compact radio sources, assuming that all sources have the same intrinsic brightness temperature and the viewing angles of their jets are around the critical value for the maximal apparent speed, we find that sources in the sample have a characteristic intrinsic brightness temperature, <TEX>$T_0=4.8^{+2.6}_{-1.5}{\times}10^9K$</TEX>, which is lower than the equipartition temperature for the condition that the particle energy equals to the magnetic field energy. Our results suggest that the VLBI cores seen at 86 GHz may be representing a jet region where the magnetic field energy dominates the total energy in the jet.
  • Kim, Jae-Young
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.2
  • pp.65-74
  • 2013
  • 원문 바로보기
We probe the feasibility of high-frequency radio observations of very rapid flux variations in compact active galactic nuclei (AGN). Our study assumes observations at 230GHz with a small 6-meter class observatory, using the SNU Radio Astronomical Observatory (SRAO) as an example. We find that 33 radio-bright sources are observable with signal-to-noise ratios larger than ten. We derive statistical detection limits via exhaustive Monte Carlo simulations assuming (a) periodic, and (b) episodic flaring flux variations on time-scales as small as tens of minutes. We conclude that a wide range of flux variations is observable. This makes high-frequency radio observations-even with small observatories-a powerful probe of AGN intra-day variability; especially, those which complement observations at lower radio frequencies with larger observatories like the Korean VLBI Network (KVN).
  • Sung, Hyun-Il
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.6
  • pp.253-259
  • 2013
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We present near-infrared light curves of HBC 722 after its the September 2010 outburst. We have been monitoring its near-infrared light curves since November 2010 with Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute Infrared Camera System (KASINICS). HBC 722 exhibits large changes in optical and near-infrared brightness since its outburst. The J, H, and <TEX>$K_s$</TEX> light curves over about 2.5 years show that in all observed bands HBC 722 progressively became fainter until around April 2011, down to J ~10.7, H ~9.9, <TEX>$K_s$</TEX> ~9.3, but it is getting brighter again. Large scatter in the obtained light curve prevents us from finding whether there is any short timescale variation as reported in other optical observations. The near-infrared color of HBC 722 is becoming bluer since its outburst. The pre-outburst Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of HBC 722 is consistent with that of a slightly reddened Class II YSO with the exception of the extraordinary IR-excess in the far-infrared region.
  • Trippe, Sascha
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.1
  • pp.41-47
  • 2013
  • 원문 바로보기
I present a simple scheme for the treatment of gravitational interactions on galactic scales. In anal- ogy with known mechanisms of quantum field theory, I assume ad hoc that gravitation is mediated by virtual exchange particles-gravitons-with very small but non-zero masses. The resulting den- sity and mass profiles are proportional to the mass of the gravitating body. The mass profile scales with the centripetal acceleration experienced by a test particle orbiting the central mass, but this comes at the cost of postulating a universal characteristic acceleration <TEX>$a_0{\approx}4.3{\times}10^{-12}msec^{-2}$</TEX> (or <TEX>$8{\pi}a_0{\approx}1.1{\times}10^{-10}msec^{-2}$</TEX>). The scheme predicts the asymptotic flattening of galactic rotation curves, the Tully-Fisher/Faber-Jackson relations, the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation of galaxies, the surface brightness-acceleration relation of galaxies, the kinematics of galaxy clusters, and 'Renzo's rule' correctly; additional (dark) mass components are not required. Given that it is based on various ad-hoc assumptions and given further limitations, the scheme I present is not yet a consistent theory of gravitation; rather, it is a 'toy model' providing a convenient scaling law that simplifies the description of gravity on galactic scales.
  • Trippe, Sascha
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.2
  • pp.93-96
  • 2013
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Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is a possible solution for the missing mass problem in galactic dynamics; its predictions are in good agreement with observations in the limit of weak accelerations. However, MOND does not derive from a physical mechanism and does not make predictions on the transitional regime from Newtonian to modified dynamics; rather, empirical transition functions have to be constructed from the boundary conditions and comparisons with observations. I compare the formalism of classical MOND to the scaling law derived from a toy model of gravity based on virtual massive gravitons (the 'graviton picture') which I proposed recently. I conclude that MOND naturally derives from the 'graviton picture' at least for the case of non-relativistic, highly symmetric dynamical systems. This suggests that-to first order-the 'graviton picture' indeed provides a valid candidate for the physical mechanism behind MOND and gravity on galactic scales in general.
  • Kang, Hyesung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.1
  • pp.49-63
  • 2013
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Nonthermal radiation from supernova remnants (SNRs) provides observational evidence and constraints on the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) hypothesis for the origins of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). Recently it has been recognized that a variety of plasma wave-particle interactions operate at astrophysical shocks and the detailed outcomes of DSA are governed by their complex and nonlinear interrelationships. Here we calculate the energy spectra of CR protons and electrons accelerated at Type Ia SNRs, using time-dependent, DSA simulations with phenomenological models for magnetic field amplification due to CR streaming instabilities, Alf<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>enic drift, and free escape boundary. We show that, if scattering centers drift with the Alf<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>en speed in the amplified magnetic fields, the CR energy spectrum is steepened and the acceleration efficiency is significantly reduced at strong CR modified SNR shocks. Even with fast Afv<TEX>$\acute{e}$</TEX>nic drift, DSA can still be efficient enough to develop a substantial shock precursor due to CR pressure feedback and convert about 20-30% of the SN explosion energy into CRs. Since the high energy end of the CR proton spectrum is composed of the particles that are injected in the early stages, in order to predict nonthermal emissions, especially in X-ray and <TEX>${\gamma}-ray$</TEX> bands, it is important to follow the time dependent evolution of the shock dynamics, CR injection process, magnetic field amplification, and particle escape. Thus it is crucial to understand the details of these plasma interactions associated with collisionless shocks in successful modeling of nonlinear DSA.
  • Zheng, Yan-Fang
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 46, n.5
  • pp.183-190
  • 2013
  • 원문 바로보기
Recurring jets, which are jets ejected from the same site, are a peculiar type among various solar jet phenomena. We report such recurring jets ejecting from the same site above an active region on January 22, 2012 with high-resolution multi-wavelength observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO). We found that the recurring jets had velocities, lengths and lifetimes, but had similar directions. The visible brightening appeared at the jet base before each jet erupted. All the plasma produced by the recurring jets could not overcome the large coronal loops. It seemed that the plasma ejecting from the jet base was confined and guided by preexisting coronal loops, but their directions were not along the paths of the loops. Two of the jets formed crossing structures with the same preexisting filament. We also examined the photospheric magnetic field at the jet base, and observed a visible flux emergence, convergence and cancellation. The four recurring jets all were associated with the impulsive cancellation between two opposite polarities occurring at the jet base during each eruption. In addition, we suggest that the fluxes, flowing out of the active region, might supply the energy for the recurring jets by examining the SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) successive images. The observational results support the magnetic reconnection model of jets.