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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 97/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.433-437
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We have analyzed the content of the Korean stone star chart. Ch'on-Sang-Yul-Cha-Bun-Ya-Ji-Do(here-after Ch'on-Sang-Do). In the star map we have found 1468 stars, 4 more than the Chinese star catalog Bo-Chun-Ga. The four extra stars form a constellation, Jong Dae Boo. The map projection law used in the star chart is found to be the polar equtorial and equidistance projection. The linear distance of an object on Ch'on-Sang-Do from the center is linearly proportional to the north polar angular distance. We have found from a statistical analysis that most stars with declination lower than 50 are at positions representing the epoch of around the first century. On the other hand, stars near the north pole with declination higher than 50 are at the epoch of about 1300, which is close to the time the chart was engraved. This implies that the original Ko-Gu-Rye Dynasty's star chart has been revised by astronomers of Cho-Sun Dynasty. We have also shown that stars on Ch'on-Sang-Do are engraved in such a way that their area is linearly proportional to the visual magnitude.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.69-70
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.2
  • pp.223-243
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We have constructed a line-by-line model of the A-X system of CO in order to analyze the CO bands appearing in the UV spectra of comets. The model includes electronic, rotational, vibrational transitions, excitations by solar UV radiation, and effects of neutral and electron collisions. The major bands of the A-X system occur in the <TEX>$1200 - 1800{\AA}$</TEX> range where the temporal variation of solar irradiation is significant. The solar spectrum in this spectral range shows many emission lines, which cause a significant Swings effect. We derived fluorescence efficiencies of the bands as functions of heliocentric velocity and cometocentric distance using a high resolution spectrum of the sun. We compared our model with a spectrum of comet P/Halley obtained with the IUE, and estimated that the UV Swings effects are less than 20 fluorescence efficiencies for the most bands of the A-X system. We discuss the temporal variation of solar UV irradiation and its effects on the fluorescence efficiencies. The study of the A-X system also requites knowledge of vibrational and rotational fluorescent processes in the infrared and radio regions because the majority of CO molecules in the coma is in the ground rotational states. The solar infrared spectrum near 5 microns, where the fundamental band of CO occurs, contains strong absorption lines of the fundamental band and hot bands of CO and its isotopes. We derived fluorescence efficiencies of the infrared band as functions of heliocentric velocity and cometrocentric distance. The solar absorption lines near 5 microns cause a 20 reduction of the g-factor of the fundamental band at heliocentric velocities close to 0 km/sec. We discuss the effects of neutral and electron collisions on the fluorescence efficiencies of the infrared and UV bands.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.27-29
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We describe the formation of large-scale inhomogeneous structure of expa-nding Universe on the basic of two components system-usual nonrelativistic particles and dark matter, with taking into account their interaction.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.325-326
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We present the Programme of Monitoring of Flare Stars in the Orion aggregate by. CCD based. Photometer mounted at the Newtonian focus of 70/98/210-cm meniscus telescope through glass imaging quality C1 filter (3900<TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>/800<TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>) with a time resolution of 0.5-1.0 min.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.1
  • pp.19-30
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We have examined consequences of strong tidal encounters between a neutron star and a normal star using SPH as a possible formation mechanism of isolated recycled pulsars in globular clusters. We have made a number of SPH simulations for close encounters between a main-sequence star of mass ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 <TEX>$M_\bigodot$</TEX> represented by an n=3/2 poly trope and a neutron star represented by a point mass. The outcomes of the first encounters are found to be dependent only on the dimensionless parameter <TEX>$\eta'{\equiv}(m/(m+ M))^{1/2}(\gamma_{min}/R_{MS})^{3/2}(m/M)^{{1/6)}$</TEX>, where m and M are the mass of the main-sequence star and the neutron star, respectively, <TEX>$\gamma_{min}$</TEX> the minimum separation between two stars, and <TEX>$R_{MS}$</TEX> the size of the main-sequence star. The material from the (at least partially) disrupted star forms a disk around the neutron star. If all material in the disk is to be acctreted onto the neutron star's surface, the mass of the disk is enough to spin up the neutron star to spin period of 1 ms.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.425-426
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
A few optical schemes for the future Russian astrometric satellite ('Struve') are discussed. New optical materials and techniques developed at the Vavilov State Optical Institute are planned to be used for the on-board telescopes. Optical characteristics of the reflecting Schmidt and a three - mirror scheme for the on-board telescopes are compared.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.209-211
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
Recent surveys at Parkes, in particular the 70 cm survey of the southern sky, have discovered many pulsars, including 17 miilisecond pulsars in the Galactic disk. Timing and polarization observations of some of these pulsars are described. The only two pulsars known to be in orbit around massive non-degenerate stellar compamons were also discovered at Parkes, and some recent observational results for these pulsars are also presented.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.285-286
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
A systematric method of exploring the 'geometrical' and 'non-geometrical' constants of the motion for an arbitrary spacetime is presented. This is done by introducing a series of coupled differential equation for the generators of the symmetry group of Vlasov's equation. The method is applied to the case of the maximaly symmetric spectime, and the geometrical and non-geometrical constants of motion are obtained.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.147-148
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We have estimated a metal abundance of [Fe/H]= -0.48 <TEX>$\pm$</TEX> 0.14 dex, a reddening of E(B- V)= 0.30 mag, an age of 2.0 <TEX>$\pm$</TEX> 0.4 Gyr, and a distance of 7.9 <TEX>$\pm$</TEX> 0.8 kpc for Tombaugh 2 using the Washington filter system.