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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 84/122
  • REY Soo-JONG
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.11-14
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
Super-inflation driven by dilaton/moduli kinetic energy is naturally realized in compactified string theory. Discussed are selected topics of recent development in string inflationary cosmology: kinematics of super-inflation, graceful exit triggered by quantum back-reaction, and classical and quantum power spectra of density and metric perturbations.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.441-442
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.197-198
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We have carried out <TEX>$^{13}CO$</TEX> J = 1 <TEX>$\to$</TEX> 0 line observations with spatial resolution of 2' toward 17 small globules selected from the catalogue of Clemens & Barvainis (1988) with a selection criterion of [b] <TEX>$\ge$</TEX> 15 degrees using the Nagoya 4-m radio telescope. Overall characteristics and physical parameters are presented and discussed by examining the <TEX>$^{13}CO$</TEX> integrated intensity map for each of the globules.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.59-60
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.443-444
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
From 146 B.C. to A.D. 1760, 363 sets of cometary observations have been recorded in Chinese Ancient Records of Celestial Phenomena. The positions of all recorded comets, or their paths, on the sky are compared. Taking into account the perturbations of all nine planets and using the numerical method of N-body problem, the orbits of well-recorded comets are calculated. Identification of a periodic comet is presented.
  • BESKIN G. M.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.251-252
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.385-386
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
A wide-field CCD detector for solar eclipse observations is discussed. The CCD is supposed to be of a moderate size, and the image of the corona is obtained by scanning the field of view. Results of the 1995 solar eclipse observation are shown which have been made with a prototype of the scanning CCD detector.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.217-218
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
The results of the Crab pulsar observations with the photometrical MANIA (Multichannel Analysis of Nanosecond Intensity Alterations) complex at the 6-m telescope are presented. More than 12 millions photons in UBVR-bands simultaneously with time resolution of <TEX>$10^{-7}s$</TEX> were detected. Using the original software for search for optical pulsar period, we obtained the light curves of the object with time resolution of about 3.3 <TEX>${\mu}s$</TEX>. Their detailed analysis gives the spectral change during pulse and subpulse, the shape of the pulse peaks, which are plateaus (with the duration of about 50<TEX>${\mu}s$</TEX> for the main pulse), limits for an amplitude of fine temporal (stochastic and regular) structure of pulse and sub pulse and the interpulse space intensity. The results of CCD-spectroscopy of the Crab pulsar show that its summarized spectrum is flat. There are no lines, neither emission nor absorbtion ones. Upper limit for line intensity or depth is <TEX>$3.5\%$</TEX> with the confidence probability of <TEX>$95\%$</TEX>.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.169-170
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
In the past, it. was very difficult to distinguish thermal and non-thermal emission. Broadbent et a1. (1989) has developed a new technique with the help of the IRAS 60 micron emission. The distribution of non-thermal or synchrotron emission in the Galactic disk has been modeled from the 408 MHz all sky survey of Haslam et a1. (1982) after removal of the thermal component.. At. 408 MHz, t.here is very little absorption in the interstellar medium and the distribution along the line-of-sight. is inferred mainly from its presumed relationship to other tracers of spiral structure via a. number of fitted parameters. But. at lower frequencies, free-free absorption becomes important and can give some direct. information on the line of sight. distribution. We have modeled the thermal electron density according to the spiral arm models and the distribution of ionized hydrogen in the Galactic plane by Lockman (1976) and Cersosimo et. al. (1989) and have made predictions to compare with the surveys of Dwarakanath et al. (1990) at. 34.5 MHz and .Jones and Finlay (1974) at 29.9 MHz. The result confirms that the absorption model of the synchrotron emissivity in the Galactic plane is broadly corrected and illustrates the potential of the absorption technique.
  • STALIN C. S.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 29, n.suppl1
  • pp.341-342
  • 1996
  • 원문 바로보기
We present here the solar LOG GF values obtained using the Liege solar at las and the standard solar photospheric models for the spectral lines in the wavelength range <TEX>${\lambda}{\lambda}$</TEX> 6209 - 6273 <TEX>${\AA}$</TEX>. These log gf values shall be used to interpret a high resolution spectra of the star <TEX>$\gamma$</TEX> Draconics.