- Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
- 29, n.suppl1
- pp.217-218
- 1996
- 원문 바로보기
The results of the Crab pulsar observations with the photometrical MANIA (Multichannel Analysis of Nanosecond Intensity Alterations) complex at the 6-m telescope are presented. More than 12 millions photons in UBVR-bands simultaneously with time resolution of <TEX>$10^{-7}s$</TEX> were detected. Using the original software for search for optical pulsar period, we obtained the light curves of the object with time resolution of about 3.3 <TEX>${\mu}s$</TEX>. Their detailed analysis gives the spectral change during pulse and subpulse, the shape of the pulse peaks, which are plateaus (with the duration of about 50<TEX>${\mu}s$</TEX> for the main pulse), limits for an amplitude of fine temporal (stochastic and regular) structure of pulse and sub pulse and the interpulse space intensity. The results of CCD-spectroscopy of the Crab pulsar show that its summarized spectrum is flat. There are no lines, neither emission nor absorbtion ones. Upper limit for line intensity or depth is <TEX>$3.5\%$</TEX> with the confidence probability of <TEX>$95\%$</TEX>.