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1968년 ~ 2024년까지 1,211 건한국천문학회지를 격월간 확인하실 수 있습니다.

  • The Korean Astronomical Society (The Korean Astronomical Society)
  • 계간 (Quarterly)
  • ISSN : 1225-4614 (ISSN : 1225-4614)
  • DB구축현황 : 1,211건 (DB Construction : 1,211 Articles)
총 게시글 1,211 페이지 23/122
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.6
  • pp.381-398
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
Dynamical analysis of compact groups provides important tests of models of compact group formation and evolution. By compiling 2066 redshifts from FLWO/FAST, from the literature, and from SDSS DR12 in the fields of compact groups in , we construct the largest sample of compact groups with complete spectroscopic redshifts in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.22. This large redshift sample shows that the interloper fraction in the compact group candidates is ~ 42%. A secure sample of 332 compact groups includes 192 groups with four or more member galaxies and 140 groups with three members. The fraction of early-type galaxies in these compact groups is 62%, higher than for the original Hickson compact groups. The velocity dispersions of early-and late-type galaxies in compact groups change little with groupcentric radius; the radii sampled are less than 100 h<sup>−1</sup> kpc, smaller than the radii typically sampled by members of massive clusters of galaxies. The physical properties of our sample compact groups include size, number density, velocity dispersion, and local environment; these properties slightly differ from those derived for the original Hickson compact groups and for the DPOSS II compact groups. Differences result from subtle differences in the way the group candidates were originally selected. The abundance of the compact groups changes little with redshift over the range covered by this sample. The approximate constancy of the abundance for this sample is a potential constraint on the evolution of compact groups on a few Gigayear timescale.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.5
  • pp.313-323
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are known for irregular variability on all time scales, down to intra-day variability with relative variations of a few percent within minutes to hours. On such short timescales, unexplored territory, such as the possible existence of a shortest characteristic time scale of activity and the shape of the high frequency end of AGN power spectra, still exists. We present the results of AGN single-dish fast photometry performed with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN). Observations were done in a &#x201C;anti-correlated&#x201D; mode using two antennas, with always at least one antenna pointing at the target. This results in an effective time resolution of less than three minutes. We used all four KVN frequencies, 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz, in order to trace spectral variability, if any. We were able to derive high-quality light curves for 3C 111, 3C 454.3, and BL Lacertae at 22 and 43 GHz, and for 3C 279 at 86 GHz, between May 2012 and April 2013. We performed a detailed statistical analysis in order to assess the levels of variability and the corresponding upper limits. We found upper limits on flux variability ranging from ~1.6% to ~7.6%. The upper limits on the derived brightness temperatures exceed the inverse Compton limit by three to six orders of magnitude. From our results, plus comparison with data obtained by the University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory, we conclude that we have not detected source-intrinsic variability which would have to occur at sub-per cent levels.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.5
  • pp.229-236
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
We report results of investigation of amplitude calibration for very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations with Korean VLBI Network (KVN). Amplitude correction factors are estimated based on comparison of KVN observations at 22 GHz correlated by Daejeon hardware correlator and DiFX software correlator in Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) with Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations at 22 GHz by DiFX software correlator in National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). We used the observations for compact radio sources, 3C 454.3, NRAO 512, OJ 287, BL Lac, 3C 279, 1633+382, and 1510&#x2013;089, which are almost unresolved for baselines in a range of 350-477 km. Visibility data of the sources obtained with similar baselines at KVN and VLBA are selected, fringe-fitted, calibrated, and compared for their amplitudes. We find that visibility amplitudes of KVN observations should be corrected by factors of 1.10 and 1.35 when correlated by DiFX and Daejeon correlators, respectively. These correction factors are attributed to the combination of two steps of 2-bit quantization in KVN observing systems and characteristics of Daejeon correlator.
  • Han, Du-Hwan
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.1
  • pp.83-92
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
Recent large scale surveys such as Sloan Digital Sky Survey have produced homogeneous samples of multiple-image gravitationally lensed quasars with well-defined selection effects. Statistical analysis on these can yield independent constraints on cosmological parameters. Here we use the image separation statistics of lensed quasars from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search (SQLS) to derive constraints on cosmological parameters. Our analysis does not require knowledge of the magnification bias, which can only be estimated from the detailed knowledge on the quasar luminosity function at all redshifts, and includes the consideration for the bias against small image separation quasars due to selection against faint lens galaxy in the follow-up observations for confirmation. We first use the mean image separation of the lensed quasars as a function of redshift to find that cosmological models with extreme curvature are inconsistent with observed lensed quasars. We then apply the maximum likelihood test to the statistical sample of 16 lensed quasars that have both measured redshift and magnitude of lens galaxy. The likelihood incorporates the probability that the observed image separation is realized given the luminosity of the lens galaxy in the same manner as Im et al. (1997). We find that the 95% confidence range for the cosmological constant (i.e., the vacuum energy density) is <TEX>$0.72{\leq}{\Omega}_{\Lambda}{\leq}1.0$</TEX> for a flat universe. We also find that the equation of state parameter can be consistent with -1 as long as the matter density <TEX>${\Omega}_m{\leq}0.4$</TEX> (95% confidence range). We conclude that the image separation statistics incorporating the brightness of lens galaxies can provide robust constraints on the cosmological parameters.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.5
  • pp.267-275
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
Simultaneous time monitoring observations of H<sub>2</sub>O and SiO maser lines were performed toward the D-type symbiotic binary system V407 Cyg with the Korean VLBI Network single dish radio telescope. These monitoring observations were carried out from March 2, 2010 (optical phase &#x3D5; = 0.0), 8 days before the nova outburst on March 10, 2010 to June 5, 2014 (&#x3D5; = 2.13). Eight days before the nova outburst, we detected the SiO v = 1, 2, J = 1&#x2013;0 maser lines which exhibited values of 0.51 K (&#x223C; 6.70 Jy) and 0.71 K (&#x223C; 9.30 Jy), respectively, while after the outburst we could not detect them on April 2 (&#x3D5; = 0.04), May 5 (&#x3D5; = 0.09), May 8 (&#x3D5; = 0.09), or on June 5, 2010 (&#x3D5; = 0.13) within the upper limits of our KVN observations. After restarting our monitoring observations, we detected SiO v = 2, J = 1&#x2013;0 masers starting on October 20, 2011 (&#x3D5; = 0.83) and detected SiO v = 1, J = 1&#x2013;0 masers starting on December 22, 2011 (&#x3D5; = 0.92). These results provide clear evidence of the interaction between the shock from the nova outburst and the SiO maser regions of the Mira envelope. The peak emission of SiO v = 1, 2, J = 1&#x2013;0 masers always occurred at blueshifted velocities with respect to the stellar velocity except for that of SiO v = 1 at one epoch. These phenomena may be related to the redistribution of SiO maser regions after the outburst. The peak velocity variations of SiO masers associated with stellar pulsation phases show an increasing blueshifted trend during our monitoring interval after the outburst.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.6
  • pp.325-331
  • 2015
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We study an association between the duration of solar activity and characteristics of the latitude distribution of sunspots by means of center-of-latitude (COL) of sunspots observed during the period from 1878 to 2008 spanning solar cycles 12 to 23. We first calculate COL by taking the area-weighted mean latitude of sunspots for each calendar month to determine the latitudinal distribution of COL of sunspots appearing in the long and short cycles separately. The data set for the long solar cycles consists of the solar cycles 12, 13, 14, 20, and 23. The short solar cycles include the solar cycles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22. We then fit a double Gaussian function to compare properties of the latitudinal distribution resulting from the two data sets. Our main findings are as follows: (1) The main component of the double Gaussian function does not show any significant change in the central position and in the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM), except in the amplitude. They are all centered at ~ 11° with FWHM of ~ 5°. (2) The secondary component of the double Gaussian function at higher latitudes seems to differ in that even though their width remains fixed at ~ 4°, their central position peaks at ~ 22.1° for the short cycles and at ~ 20.7° for the long cycles with quite small errors. (3) No significant correlation could be established between the duration of an individual cycle and the parameters of the double Gaussian. Finally, we conclude by briefly discussing the implications of these findings on the issue of the cycle 4 concerning a lost cycle.
  • Kang, Hyesung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.2
  • pp.155-164
  • 2015
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In <xref>Kang (2015)</xref> we calculated the acceleration of cosmic-ray electrons at weak spherical shocks that are expected to form in the cluster outskirts, and estimated the diffuse synchrotron radiation emitted by those electrons. There we demonstrated that, at decelerating spherical shocks, the volume integrated spectra of both electrons and radiation deviate significantly from the test-particle power-laws predicted for constant planar shocks, because the shock compression ratio and the flux of inject electrons decrease in time. In this study, we consider spherical blast waves propagating through a constant density core surrounded by an isothermal halo with &#x3C1; &#x221D; r<sup>&#x2212;n</sup> in order to explore how the deceleration of the shock affects the radio emission from accelerated electrons. The surface brightness profile and the volumeintegrated radio spectrum of the model shocks are calculated by assuming a ribbon-like shock surface on a spherical shell and the associated downstream region of relativistic electrons. If the postshock magnetic field strength is about 0.7 or 7 &#xB5;G, at the shock age of &#x223C; 50 Myr, the volume-integrated radio spectrum steepens gradually with the spectral index from &#x3B1;<sub>inj</sub> to &#x3B1;<sub>inj</sub> + 0.5 over 0.1&#x2013;10 GHz, where &#x3B1;<sub>inj</sub> is the injection index at the shock position expected from the diffusive shock acceleration theory. Such gradual steepening could explain the curved radio spectrum of the radio relic in cluster A2266, which was interpreted as a broken power-law by <xref>Trasatti et al. (2015)</xref>, if the relic shock is young enough so that the break frequency is around 1 GHz.
  • Amin, S.M.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.1
  • pp.1-7
  • 2015
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The orbital period changes of the W UMa eclipsing binary AU Ser are studied using the (O-C) method. We conclude that the period variation is due to mass transfer from the primary star to the secondary one at a very low and decreasing rate <TEX>$dP/dt=-8.872{\times}10^{-8}$</TEX>, superimposed on the sinusoidal variation due to a third body orbiting the binary with period <TEX>$42.87{\pm}3.16$</TEX> years, orbital eccentricity <TEX>$e=0.52{\pm}0.12$</TEX> and a longitude of periastron passage <TEX>${\omega}=133^{\circ}.7{\pm}15$</TEX>. On studying the magnetic activity, we have concluded that the Applegate mechanism failed to describe the cycling variation of the (O-C) diagram of AU Ser.
  • Kang, Hyesung
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.1
  • pp.9-20
  • 2015
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We study the evolution of the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons accelerated at spherically expanding shocks with low Mach numbers and the ensuing spectral signatures imprinted in radio synchrotron emission. Time-dependent simulations of diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) of electrons in the test-particle limit have been performed for spherical shocks with parameters relevant for typical shocks in the intracluster medium. The electron and radiation spectra at the shock location can be described properly by the test-particle DSA predictions with instantaneous shock parameters. However, the volume integrated spectra of both electrons and radiation deviate significantly from the test-particle power-laws, because the shock compression ratio and the flux of injected electrons at the shock gradually decrease as the shock slows down in time. So one needs to be cautious about interpreting observed radio spectra of evolving shocks based on simple DSA models in the test-particle regime.
  • Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지
  • 48, n.5
  • pp.237-255
  • 2015
  • 원문 바로보기
The Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma&#x2013;ray Bright Active galactic nuclei (iMOGABA) program provides not only simultaneous multifrequency observations of bright gamma&#x2013;ray detected active galactic nuclei (AGN), but also covers the highest Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) frequencies ever being systematically monitored, up to 129 GHz. However, observation and imaging of weak sources at the highest observed frequencies is very challenging. In the second paper in this series, we evaluate the viability of the frequency phase transfer technique to iMOGABA in order to obtain larger coherence time at the higher frequencies of this program (86 and 129 GHz) and image additional sources that were not detected using standard techniques. We find that this method is applicable to the iMOGABA program even under non&#x2013;optimal weather conditions.