- 유경노
- 天文學會誌 = The journal of the Korean Astronomical Society
- 1, n.1
- pp.37-50
- 1968
- 원문 바로보기
By comparison and analysis of the optical data of the two galactic clusters of Pleiades and h and x Persei and the radio data of the HI gas clouds which are related with those two clusters, the relative motions of those gas clouds with retpect to the two clusters were obtained. The three theories on the acceleration of HI gas cloud surrounding a star cluster by Blaauw. Oort and Spitzer, and Kahn were examined with the above obtained kinetic data of the Pleiades and the h and x Penei clouds. And it was shown that Blaauw's theory is applicable to the h and x Persoi clouds but not to the Pleiades, that Dart and Spitzer's theory can explain the motions of both clouds, and that Kahn's theory needs more improvement to be a complete one.